the love thread

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Where are you goin to college?
At his point I have 2 options: go to Howard out in Big Spring, which is a 2 year college with a great theatre program, then transfer to a 4 year (probably UNT), or I may go to McMurrey University, which is a 4 year, and if their theatre program is good enough and if they give me enough money (they've been sending me shit, sent me an application the other day which I intend to fill out), I'll go there. If they don't do either one of those it's Howard.
At his point I have 2 options: go to Howard out in Big Spring, which is a 2 year college with a great theatre program, then transfer to a 4 year (probably UNT), or I may go to McMurrey University, which is a 4 year, and if their theatre program is good enough and if they give me enough money (they've been sending me shit, sent me an application the other day which I intend to fill out), I'll go there. If they don't do either one of those it's Howard.

Theater, eh. You better become famous so I can say to people that you hate me.
if you consider cigarrettes to be a drug, you probably weren't a very impressive "drug addict" :rolleyes:

i don't even consider weed/alcohol/hallucinogens to be a "drug".

True, tr00, trew.
I was referring to purists who think any substance that is even slightly mind-altering is a drug.
I was a meth/p ill addict addict and quit both cold turkey. Fuck Narcotics Anonymous.
And I still burn herb and drink booze - but in moderation which IS NOT DRUG ABUSE.
i love that i just found my "San Antonio Spurs 2002-2003 season NBA CHAMPIONS" DVD.

greatest season ever.


the L.A. Lakers w/ Shaq & Kobe had won 3 straight NBA championships in a row ('00 '01 '02), and for two years in a row they had knocked the Spurs out of the playoffs. but that year, the Spurs had the best record in the league, Greg Popovich won "Coach Of The Year", and Timmy motherfucking Duncan won his second consecutive League MVP award. legendary Spurs center David Robinson, a former MVP himself, said he'd retire after that season, which he did, so making the 3-time defending champions our straight-up bitch by winning Game 6 by almost 20 FUCKING POINTS on the way to winning the entire thing was the ultimate sendoff for The Admiral....


thanks Dave.

where are they now? Shaq is an old man whose knees barely hold out from night to night, but hey, he did get anther Championship last year with the Miami Heat (with some help from D-Wade averging 40 fucking points a game), but he really had little to do with it other than drawing a lot of double-teams... Kobe will never, i repeat never see another ring, not unless he leaves the fucking shithole Lakers and goes to a real team...

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