the love thread

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There is no point in talking about things like this. I'm not heavily into drugs, at the same time can't understand how some people have not tried things atleast once especially at a young age when everyone tries things like cigs and beer. expirimentation is fine
^^ well i'm convinced.

you do realize that 97% of all the great art of the last century has been drug-induced, yes? and, depending on who you ask, many/most of the great European composers were speeding like fuck during their best years...
you do realize that 97% of all the great art of the last century has been drug-induced, yes? and, depending on who you ask, many/most of the great European composers were speeding like fuck during their best years...

And just where did you hear that statistic? :Smug:

I don't really give a shit if a musician does drugs, because I listen to music merely for the music itself and not as a way to "understand" the composer, so if it's drug-induced, that's fine. I just wouldn't socialize with them.

Who told you that, anyway?
To me, too. I don't see the need for drugs. I already hold my life in high esteem; I have everything I could want and don't feel the need to add potentially harmful/degrading substances to my body in order to feel "cool" for a while.

As CC said, it's your prerogative if you want to have fun.
Uh, no. Sorry. Hahaha. I'm sure it'd be cool as fuck high but I don't feel like doing that shit at all. I'm already weird enough.
To me, too. I don't see the need for drugs. I already hold my life in high esteem; I have everything I could want and don't feel the need to add potentially harmful/degrading substances to my body in order to feel "cool" for a while.

Who the hell said anything about feeling "cool"??
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