the love thread

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I'm sorry, but fearing reprisal from the authorities is an extremely cowardly excuse for avoiding "dr ugs" (I use parentheses because I'm speaking of natural, relatively harmless substances like hallucinogens - which I believe everyone should try once, but I digress). I mean, seriously, are you planning a career in politics or something? Spending a night in jail is an enriching experience in itself, and if you're going to spend the rest of your life being afraid of getting in trouble, then you will surely miss out on some great experiences.

If you are caught and spend time in jail, it goes on you record, and it may cause you problems getting a job later in life.
If you're not retarded about things you will not have to sit in a jail cell. People you see on 'cops' deserve to be in jail.
Never heard of it.

It came out like 10 years ago and lasted a few years then went out of market.

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