the love thread

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I love me some DP.


I've never had Wild Cherry Pepsi. I would imagine it has a Dr Pepper style taste though?

Of late, we've only really had lemon pepsi, lime coke and vanilla coke, as being the cola flavours with a twist. (excluding things like coke zero etc.)

years ago, i think i remember having cherry pepsi, but that may have even been in america.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: @ Mitch Hedburg.

When I play the south they say ya'll. They take out the OU. So when I'm in the south I talk like that so people will understand. Like at the restaurant. "I would like some chicken noodle s'p. Oh come on you understand me, you're from the south! I mean, I'm in the S'th and I want some s'p. I stubbed my toe. 'ch. I need to lay down on the c'ch. I need to get the fuck 't of the S'th!!!"

Fucking hilarious.
Diet Coke w/ Lime is great. Not the stuff with the lime already in it. But squeezing a couple limes into a tall frosty Diet Coke is heaven.
:lol: Some pothead probably stole his car stereo

Anyway...I was just thinking earlier...I want to become rich and move to Amersterdam and buy a Smokehouse....then I can (legally) do all the drugs I could ever dream of and not have to worry about anything...

Actually if you want to get technical, that is still illegal.
I think it will. I mean you have the new "tis only a flesh wound" shirt at Wal-Mart (I bought one... :) ) and that kinda spreads it out a bit but it's so old it'll probably retain it's cult classic status.

I love that Adult Swim cartoons after Family Guy and Futurama go off are still underground. 12 Oz. Mouse is so hilarious that I couldn't stand to see it butchered.
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