the love thread

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I am. I fucking hate the Irish, potato eating, bomb making fuckers. The potato famine? These cunts were too thick to start eating carrots instead.
I love "doom dancing" Messiah Marcollin style round the kitchen with my mp3 player on dressed only in my shreddies, until the missus comes in to see what I'm up to, calls me a "prick" and wanders off again.

Doom or be doomed you miserable fucking bitch!
i love music
i love white widow
i love sour deisil
i love white rino
i love northern lights
i love blueberry rino
i love purp
i love sippin surup
i love masterbating
i love tv
i love sitting on my ass
i love playing drums
that I didn't fail my Algebra class like I thought I would :)
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