the love thread

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I love this board, I cant seem to find any other ones nearly as good. But I need some new messageboards, anyone got any ones they think rival this one?

Mike27 said:
I love this board, I cant seem to find any other ones nearly as good. But I need some new messageboards, anyone got any ones they think rival this one?


metal archives.
Mort Divine said:
Gamefaqs has a nice metal community :oops:

you think?:zombie:

I used to post there once(Axelfish). Every freaking time it's either rate this song/rate that album/rate my purchase swimming in an ocean of endless recommendation threads or better yet: battle of the bands- whichever act gets mentioned by most users wins, yipeee!:erk: I haven't been there in a long while so perhaps, things have changed, but still...
Okay, I admit the people there are better OFF of the boards, in the slsk chat we have ... but the boards are mildly entertaining and helpful at times.
Montu Sekhmet said:
I love working out, but that forum sounds fairly gay.

wtf?? where do all these "gay" references come from?? just about every famous bodybuilder is married and has like 3 kids

gay guys want to be about 180 pounds and look good - they don't find it attractive to be 290 pounds with 70 inch shoulders and 60 inch chest

I love

3)T & A
4)days with no homework
5)anything that makes me ROFLMFAO - beavis and butthead
Working out is cool, but discussing it is bordering on homosexuality. I'd much rather discuss music than the size of my pecs and what kind of anti-perspirant I use.
uhmm guys nobody loves the female body more than bodybuilders... come on now, what type of guys do you think weightlifting (squatting and deadlifting 600+ pounds regularly) is attractive to?? alpha males with an obsessive need to be bigger and stronger and more dominant than the rest of the world

plus it's not sexual in any way, you admire the physique based on things like size, proportion, symmetry, definition, striations, etc....

it's not ever sexual in any way - it's just a hobby and an art form - like admiring someone playing the guitar - except the guitar in bodybuilding is diet + weightlifting
xxbigdavexx117 said:
you admire the physique based on things like size
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