the love thread

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My girlfriend is retarded, she'll slag me off or hit me for no reason then when I tell her she's fat or something (shes not at all but what the hell) she totally flips out, saying im really mean to her etc. Stupid women.
My girlfriend is retarded, she'll slag me off or hit me for no reason then when I tell her she's fat or something (shes not at all but what the hell) she totally flips out, saying im really mean to her etc. Stupid women.

I (can) call my girlfriend a piece of shit and she knows I'm joking and just says "I know!" playfully.

Conclusion: I have an awesome girlfriend.
Yeah, it's not like I abuse her but she knows I'm kidding. I let her call me whatever too. Stupid girls who get offended just because they can...fuck those.

And mine doesn't even get irritable at all during that time of the month! I'm lucky as hell.
I (can) call my girlfriend a piece of shit and she knows I'm joking and just says "I know!" playfully.

Conclusion: I have an awesome girlfriend.

Yeah with mine its 50/50. When we're at home ill be watching the TV and she'll have ago, but thats just for the attention so I turn it off give her a hug/kiss go to the bedroom whatever. When we're out with mates its always playful banter. I still love her to bits though, id be a fucking wreck without her.
Yeah, it's not like I abuse her but she knows I'm kidding. I let her call me whatever too. Stupid girls who get offended just because they can...fuck those.

And mine doesn't even get irritable at all during that time of the month! I'm lucky as hell.

My girlfriend is basically the same. But she enjoys kicking and punching me in the balls, biting me and slapping me. she bit me in the thumb today so hard it is still red.

i love her:kickass:

somewhat old pic of her:

We are just as bad as females. I think we should all fall down the stairs and break our necks!.
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