the love thread

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The troll term is only used by pathetic nerd homosexuals with a case of HIV and or gonorrhea.

This thread was about things you love and I stated what I loved, don't flame me for it.
i love when i think of Pray For Human Genocide being disemembered by me with a dull knife, and then i wrap him in razor wire and throw his torso into a dumpster after several minutes of his bloodless and writhing agony i will burn his wounds closed with a blowtorch. his eyes will be held open with staples and his mouth held shut with a clamp. i will commence into raping his mother and boiling his father in oil, then i will shoot them with a twelve gauge until they each have no face. then i will execute PFHG by putting a .45 to his head and blowing him away...basically i took this from the kill you game on the thread games thread from one of my posts in that it too much?
Actually I sort of agree. Mass killings whether by man or nature have helped curb the accelerating rate of human population growth.
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