the love thread

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I wouldn't be eating a huge meal beforehand. An hour before, you take in some sort of fast metabolising protein with some moderate GI carbs. If you have too much food in your stomach preworkout, your body will be too busy digesting it to send blood and nutrients to the muscle.

High GI carbs and whey isolate post workout, then a heap of carbs and solid protein meal within the hour. No fat as it dramatically slows absorption.

You have been educated.
Exactly. That's how I do it. I have a decent sized lunch at work, then a protein bar between lunch and my workout (which is around 5:00). Then I have a meal with lots of whey, dextrose, and maltodextrin postworkout, and a big meal with lots of carbs and protein an hour later. I comsume well over 2/3 of my day's carbs in the postworkout shake and following meal.
I am extremely skinny and eat crap nonstop and eat when im bored. Dont get me wrong, i eat healthy too. But I am still in relatively good shape, good health, and underwieght. I probably eat more than most anyone here except for krig.
I am extremely skinny and eat crap nonstop and eat when im bored. Dont get me wrong, i eat healthy too. But I am still in relatively good shape, good health, and underwieght. I probably eat more than most anyone here except for krig.

you sound like one of those people who claims to eat like a horse - then proceeds to look at their daily intake and it probably isnt' even 2,000 calories

I'm cutting right now - I have to limit myself to 3,400 calories (If I had my way I would eat 6 or 7,000 a day easily)

I love food
I am extremely skinny and eat crap nonstop and eat when im bored. Dont get me wrong, i eat healthy too. But I am still in relatively good shape, good health, and underwieght. I probably eat more than most anyone here except for krig.

You are the type of person that I despise, because I'll gain weight it I eat too much. When you get older though your metabolism will slow down, and you will get incredibly fat.
What a fucking article. One of the best I have ever read. The funny thing is, one could probably say the same thing about rap or another genre if you just substituted some words.

:Smokin: You Hit the nail on the head there.

What does it take to drive someone too such a zenith of intolerance towards something, anything, as metal has done for this individual?

I can’t say there is anything that bothers me enough to go to the lengths of defilement this man tries to impose/express in his article.
bad metal <<<<<< bad anything else. except bad rap, which is equally bad.

worse than bad 11th grade emo.
worse than bad non-intelligent dance music.

...actually, the worst groovey death-mawsh thingy is still better than most middle-of-the-road mainstream country-pop... but that's it...
You are the type of person that I despise, because I'll gain weight it I eat too much. When you get older though your metabolism will slow down, and you will get incredibly fat.

I think about that all the time, but I still hope that day never comes. It never came for my uncle jeff, so mabey I still have a chance.
Wtf, did NFU write that article. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

I wouldn't be surpriused, although NFU actually listens to metal regularly, what a hypocrite. If you posted that shit on the Opeth board, roffles will be had by all.
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