*ahem* :zombie: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I found Star Rover at THE END and ordered it a few nights ago and I was like HELL YES! Well, what happens now? The end sends an email to me just earlier today informing me that it's "out of stock." What...a...crock...of....SHIT! I swear, this is the worst thing that could happen...
Man, how do I find this album? Or better, where to download it? Seriously, it's like a drug to me - I can't function well throughout the day without hearing at LEAST one song from the album. In any case, it'll help to tie me over until I can nab a copy of this beautiful album. For some reason, listening to songs like Deceiver make me reminisce of the past....makes me feel so empty inside yet I like the feeling all the same.
But yeah....

A BIG CHEERS go out to all who embrace this album as much as I do! I'm shocked to say there seem to be more than a few lol. Haha, so cool to see so much positive feedback on this band.

I just knew I had to post this up in case many haven't heard of 'em - spread the word! Their myspace is all TOO quiet - such a fucking shame, really. Perhaps the music can bring you
down a little too much? Heheh....and....
no_reply: Hehe. Dude, addictive is the word man! I'm with ya on that. And yeah, the lyrics are amazing - in ALL of their songs. Of course, the best one's for me are in Deceiver. \m/ Follow kicks much ass though, no doubt! It's the last track on the album.
Juniper: Would that mean the song you mentioned is your fave of the three? lol. Because if so, I'd have to agree with you. In fact, that's probably my 2nd fave (The Darker the Sky) after Deceiver from the album - even though the whole damn thing flows so well from beginning to end.......
FatefuL: Haha...yeah, go figure eh? An awesome band like this and what do they do? They just disappear off the face of this earth. Fuck, Star Rover has classic written all over it and nobody knows it exists it seems. FUCK I HATE THAT! Anyway, doesn't matter...I need this album (just like you do, hehe) - NOW!
MadTinus: Umm...YEAH!!! Check it out...NOW! You don't know what you're missing. I just wish Deceiver was on the playlist on myspace. But, you can always check out the sample off their official site that clayman has posted up.
Damn dude, you nailed it! That's exactly the thing - that chorus is just total perfection and it makes me happy knowing someone else thinks as highly of it as me. THE LYRICS and the mood - aargh, so fucking good. This is the kinda stuff that helps me keep going in life, ahah.
m0rtis: Yeah...i think they're ex-saturnus members.

Now, time to listen to some some loveless.