Wow, and for a sec there I thought there were new and interesting posts about the band, hehe.
To be honest Paradise, I'm not sure what the problem was to begin with regarding the rumours and such. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong here, but isn't it the band that posted this info up on their "official" site in the first place? You'd think if the band is looking for a singer that they'd want to reach at least somewhat of a broad audience - makes sense to me, anyway. Oh well, I don't know.
And about Saturnus; for me, I definitely prefer the "sound" of The Loveless. I could never really get into Saturnus all too much. I just couldn't find the "hook" in their music thus not allowing me to get easily into it.
Man, now that I have been listening to the full Star|Rover album day in and day out, I'm beginning to wonder if this cd will ever burn out. I find myself addicted to the tunes and no matter how many times I hear the songs within a day, I keep coming back for more and it's not becoming tiresome. I LOVE THIS ALBUM!
Any more thoughts on it from others?