the MARX thread

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mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
its easy to reply tho. like if the one who pay the bills [you or your parents] are workers, then youre working class. if you/your dad is the one who shouts on workers, then youre middle class. and if you/your dad owns the company, then your a fucking posh get. piss off cunt!

Suck my arse and always bear in mind that the ones 'who shout on workers' happen to gain less than the workers themselves sometimes...
mehdi.i.e.e.e said:
its easy to reply tho. like if the one who pay the bills [you or your parents] are workers, then youre working class. if you/your dad is the one who shouts on workers, then youre middle class. and if you/your dad owns the company, then your a fucking posh get. piss off cunt!

pfffff ... if only it could be so simple ... I'm still not voting. though you can be sure i'm not a posh get deffo.
to be more precise, there are some in-betweens missing in that poll. I would have voted for something like upper working class or lower middle class but anyway, screw your poll ! There's no time option !
Har* said:
Bad ffs. And MARX is fuckin poison to working class. Voting for commies is like pissing on your own pants to warm you up. May work for a while but the final result is disturbing at least. Liberalism is way to go.

if its 2 poles, commies are much more liberal than democrats! at least in hungary. and in general.. liberals are not a power anywhere. they cant. it makes no sense. and mehdi, there are not enough options.

Dora said:
if its 2 poles, commies are much more liberal than democrats! at least in hungary. and in general.. liberals are not a power anywhere. they cant. it makes no sense.

Really? Ok I have few commie friends and they are fine and quite free spirited but thank god they're not in power. They probably would cut my head off because commies in power won't allow different opinions. Look at examples ffs.

And liberals are doing quite fine in Europe. Might have different names and that but still.
maybe i mix liberals and libertians and that.. but commies allow no other opinions, true. if democratic nationalist thing, then still they want to save you from bad things. and that god thing. at least the commies dont come with a white-bearded santa claus to rule the world.

and not enough options cos im living outside of society like
im somewhere between a posh get and a middle class member...hope to have a lot of money and be a posh get in the future so that i can make a contract with antimatter and bring them here every weekend for a gig.

joking aside, though, the poll is biased, mehdi. why is a working man a "hero" and someone in the elite level a "posh get."

mick, dunc, pieter and you have seen what kind of a life i lead. my family isnt that rich but even if we had a lot of money, would we be posh gets? i guess that idiom has more to it than just having a lot of money.
Don Corleone said:
joking aside, though, the poll is biased, mehdi. why is a working man a "hero" and someone in the elite level a "posh get."

ah you know me emre, always trying to be the funny guy. the posh gets are often fucking posh gets tho, shouting on workers etc.