The "Meaningful Discussion" Thread

Yeah, that's usually my hangover.. constant nausea. Only mead has given me both headache and nausea! FOUL SUBSTANCE even though I refuse to quit drinking it. :p

I'm still curious as to whether those "chaser" pills that are supposed to absorb the "hangover causing toxins" really work.
Does boredom hold any special meaning? Is it a self-invoked process that makes us see if we are doing something wrong, or have lost sight of the more important aspects of mental awareness?
I think that boredom is a result of lack of energy and good mood. I've been back in england for 5 days now and i have so many things to do (and want to do actually), only that i feel my levels of energy so low that i even feel lazy to start a convarsation with someone. Even a convarsation that is really interesting to me. I'm just not in mood for big things...and i think that you get used to that which is bad. The cure would be to push myself to do something of the things i have to do no matter what my mood is. And yes i think that it is a self-invoked process that makes me see that i'm doing something wrong.
I think the state of boredom occurs when our values have been temporarily muddled up, when nothing seems to hold importance over other things. It could be thought of as a 'refresh' function, that 'cleans the slate' as such, allowing the first thing that happens to us to be viewed in a way other than we normally would.
Hello lady and everyone :wave:

I just got up after spending most of the night trying to fix mr brother's Hard Drive as it has some rather bad sectors or some nasty virus on it. Still don't think it is fixed :(
Bit tired now and it's the second last day I have decent access to the internet for the next several months :(