The Member's Art Thread

Feels like I´m kissing ass now but I´m just in da mood for giving compliments. And Berlioz, your site is great! The work and everything goes hand in hand. Yes man.
hey wignut.this piece is perfect!
@Vaingloria: Very nice! Very bright piece of work for a dark metal project. ;)
Thank you. I left a lot of negative space because I wanted to create a sense of isolation; a cold, bleak landscape in tune with the lyrical theme. I'm thinking of covering up the foot in the foreground - what do you think?
i like it, the colors especially. But you are right about the faces, if you hadn't said that they were photos of statues i would have guessed that they were made in some 3D animation/poser software or something.

I like the right half better, i think the texture on that side of the face works nicer than on the left. That said, I think there might be too much of a harsh break in the middle between the two textures, almost divides the image too much, if that makes sense, not subtle enough maybe.? But thats just being picky, in case you wanted some criticism.