The Metallica Hate thread

And btw, if you just love Metal because of the heavy sound of the riffs. i can tell you right now Sabbath and Priest ain't for you. maybe you are better off checking out Hardcore.

Your right about Black Sabbath, every so often I do try to get them to grow on me though. Judas Priest I like.

I'm not a fan of hardcore and metalcore bands. They bore me to no end and they also annoy me. I would much rather listen to rap over hardcore and metalcore.

For me my favorite metal bands are the death and doom metal bands. Also for me a metal band that has melody in it is even better. I just like beautiful metal that's all :p. Ugly metal = Load, Reload, and the Black Album. But yea this is just my taste buds.
Blue_Jay said:
Your right about Black Sabbath, every so often I do try to get them to grow on me though. Judas Priest I like.

I'm not a fan of hardcore and metalcore bands. They bore me to no end and they also annoy me. I would much rather listen to rap over hardcore and metalcore.

For me my favorite metal bands are the death and doom metal bands. Also for me a metal band that has melody in it is even better. I just like beautiful metal that's all :p. Ugly metal = Load, Reload, and the Black Album. But yea this is just my taste buds.
Death metal is beautiful metal?!