The Milano Forum Is Totally Gone


Jul 31, 2004
The darkest part of your soul.
I know there has been a lot of shit getting thrown about this, and Milano already stated that he was closing down his forum. Well I scrolled up past the B's and it is no longer on the forum. You know, I liked his music and I liked the way he said what a lot of us thought deep down about social issues, such as guns and immigrants (though not GW Bush, he's still a piece of shit IMO), but the way he's gone haywire lately has really made me think that he has popped a cork.

What a cunt. Just too bad.
Billy asked Deron publically to shut his forum down.

This is crazy! PJ's going to be dancing in the streets now :loco: wonder how his fans feel?
Demonspell said:
Does this mean that the self-imposed exiles of SOT are coming back? :)
I doubt it.
i know that's Billy's avatar and everything else looks the same ... hmm.
Billy or someone playing a prank? :lol:
lurch70 said:
i know that's Billy's avatar and everything else looks the same ... hmm.
Billy or someone playing a prank? :lol:

blah blah blah, Wahhhhhhhh Blah blahblah anthrax blah blahblah Im gonna beat up Scott blah blahblah waaaaahhhhhhhhhh