Billy Milano - The Final.

T_man357 said:
You know what Hammy....Any other time I would probably agree with you..
But a very good friend of mine got banned for the same bullshit that lord galvafag got sent packing for....And he didn't try changing his name like a little pussy, He just said fuck him!! And moved on...So I guess what I'm saying is
if this retard is allowed to circumvent the rules...That fucking retard
(Tom Warrior) should be reinstated. I never said that galvatron/predaphile should banned!! I own that bitch!! (And she'll be for sale soon, So keep on the lookout) But I think if this loser is allowed to stay there are other people who's
ban should be lifted..
I have no memory of this at all.

I'll bet it happened on a Tuesday though.You can't trust them.
I'm similar to Schenkadere, except that I was a long time Anthrax fan who got pissed off at Scott's bullshit and Charlie's whining. I was glad someone exposed those two. Yeah, some of things Billy says might come across as brutal to some people, however I find it insightful and at times hilarious. I once worked with a guy who's band Billy managed and he had nothing but nice things to say about Billy. And I don't think Billy is any more of a racist than Carrol O'Connor who played one (Archie Bunker) on tv. If you find him offensive, spend your time paying attention to someone else.

Well, I'm not much of an Anthrax fan, but I'm 38, married 17 years with 4 boys, so I can safely say I've grown up and I sure ain't no moron. I guess I don't fit the "fan definition" list. You'll have to add another catagory

Billy is an old friend of mine and a stand up guy...I'll support him and proudly call myself a fan. Seems to me that you're the bitter one.

Billy's music is about fun and about pushing his opinions in your face. Imagine if comedy was never outrageous, opinionated or would be like living in an Archie exciting. You sound like a real bore to me. I've got a good one...why did the chicken cross the road?..or is that too racy for you?

Billy followed his dream of music and found some success there...that's about as fucking cool as it gets to me.

Piss off.
If your idea of entertainment is watching a lardy bigot sweating all over a small stage whilst bellowing about feeding some bears, then that’s your call. Personally, I’d rather chew off my own arm and roll around in salt than ever have to hear another note of his slack-jawed idiocy.

Billy only has two kinds of fan;
A) Kids who haven’t grown up yet/bigots/racists …it’s the same thing.
B) Old school metal fans who like the Anthrax connection.

True to the maxim “Violence is the last refuge of incompetent”, Bill frequently threatens or implies violent threats on this messageboard. He is a small-minded, bitter man with an ugly soul who is has convinced himself that the world is an unfair place for Billy Milano to be. He is a thread-closing control-freak and can only respond positively to fictitious situations. He clearly finds it hard to interact with the real world – why do you think he hates ‘internet tough guys’ so much; too close to the bone?

Reply as you will, it’s of no consequence. I post this in the hope that some of you will realise that there’s better and more passionate music out there and more positive ways to pass the time. Positive for you and the world around you. This messageboard is just insular, mean-spirited and ugly.

You’ll wind your hatred around my leaving in an attempt to keep me here. I know you need something to hate; if you don’t have that, you’ll have to look at yourselves. Don’t bother. I’m gone.

did i mention you should get a girlfriend?
I simply don't understand. I get up in the morning when I choose. I go about my day. I have signed no contracts.
I too feel fine.

God bless us, every one.

A guy in the sky, looking out for just one country....ooh - which one?

It's all balls, people.
Touche my pedantic friend. However, if this accepted truth is the case for all of us, why make the distinction? "We are all owned" does not sound as offensive and will not catch on....for good reason, the youngster was not telling me about socio-political states of being, he was merely trying to tell me I had failed in some way. This was a tissue-thin pretext; the main event was making himself feel better about his very life.
Touche my pedantic friend. However, if this accepted truth is the case for all of us, why make the distinction? "We are all owned" does not sound as offensive and will not catch on....for good reason, the youngster was not telling me about socio-political states of being, he was merely trying to tell me I had failed in some way. This was a tissue-thin pretext; the main event was making himself feel better about his very life.

ahhh...i see....
A kibble startboard is not too beligirant but the whores have not bought all the shares yet. Someone needs to minister to the mindless, pointless arts and show the way...not the way to go; the way to sit still, waiting and screaming to ourselves while we compare and refresh our ideas and notions. Similar, similar, similar...
I've worried about nothing here. There is a cat telling news and singing softly to itself. Have you considered that if no-one blew out the candles the cake may be extinct? Still we cower and retreat, mewling and repeating for our very lives with one proviso - they must stay the very same. The very same. Treat this as the only thing I have ever said and then judge YOURSELF on the results. No-one can judge.
That's right you aids infected little girl!!! You won't be blowing me!!
But I'm gonna keep your simple self around for awhile....You amuse me and the rest of the board with your gayness!!! Simply put...NO NAVY FOR YOU!!!

I just came in here to see if everyone was laughing at how shit Anthrax are now, cos I was gonna join in, but your posts caught my eye.

You're the kind of entertaining guy that keeps a forum alive. :rock:

Hopefully you keep posting like this once you reach puberty. :kickass: