Billy Milano - The Final.

predaking said:
I know How pathetic I am....Please just ship me back to the navy so I can blow my superiors....Since you don't want me blowing you despite the fact that you own me and all..

That's right you aids infected little girl!!! You won't be blowing me!!
But I'm gonna keep your simple self around for awhile....You amuse me and the rest of the board with your gayness!!! Simply put...NO NAVY FOR YOU!!!
predaking said:
I've completley run out of things to say....And when that happens it's time for me to open my mouth and close my eyes and hope you present me with a big surprise You know for being such a good bitch.

Keep dreaming loser!! You better hurry up and get the fuck off your knees there
seamen (How funny is that?!?) and swab the deck or something!!
predaking said:
Well I guess if I'm going to be beat....It might as well be by the best!!! T-man, I can't keep up with you no more so it would appear that I am the loser so I am bowing to your greatness!!

Don't feel to bad there predaphile!! You had neither the mental capacity nor the
incredible greatness that I possess...And no matter how hard you tried...You weren't going to win...So I figure you can finish this fun little game we've played by posting your favorite link....I give you this because I've enjoyed owning you on this fine Sunday afternoon and no doubt will get to do it again..

And remember...Don't go away mad...I mean hell you're already gay you might as well not go away mad too!!!:lol:
T_man357 said:
Don't feel to bad there predaphile!! You had neither the mental capacity nor the
incredible greatness that I possess...And no matter how hard you tried...You weren't going to win...So I figure you can finish this fun little game we've played by posting your favorite link....I give you this because I've enjoyed owning you on this fine Sunday afternoon and no doubt will get to do it again..

And remember...Don't go away mad...I mean hell you're already gay you might as well not go away mad too!!!:lol:
Awww, come on guys:cry:
It's painfully obvious that predaphile is still heartbroken about the Golden Girls being cancelled. What is he supposed to do with all his free time?:confused: :grin:
MyHatred said:
Awww, come on guys:cry:
It's painfully obvious that predaphile is still heartbroken about the Golden Girls being cancelled. What is he supposed to do with all his free time?:confused: :grin:

Kill him/herself....
Well, I'm not much of an Anthrax fan, but I'm 38, married 17 years with 4 boys, so I can safely say I've grown up and I sure ain't no moron. I guess I don't fit the "fan definition" list. You'll have to add another catagory

Billy is an old friend of mine and a stand up guy...I'll support him and proudly call myself a fan. Seems to me that you're the bitter one.

Billy's music is about fun and about pushing his opinions in your face. Imagine if comedy was never outrageous, opinionated or would be like living in an Archie exciting. You sound like a real bore to me. I've got a good one...why did the chicken cross the road?..or is that too racy for you?

Billy followed his dream of music and found some success there...that's about as fucking cool as it gets to me.

Piss off.