the mood thread

My sister brought some kinda 24 hour vomiting bug up with her kids, course we're all on top of each other so everyones dropping like flies... im just waiting for my turn to start puking, :puke:

im getting a bit sick of her insisting on dragging her family up here every christmas, theres no fucking room for em anymore :erk:
my brother manages every year to sneak out of this house leaving his kids behind. it's lovely to wake up with kids cd's & and them shouting your name ehm like right now. anyway it seems i'm off to make a gingerbread house
Bambi said:
My sister brought some kinda 24 hour vomiting bug up with her kids, course we're all on top of each other so everyones dropping like flies... im just waiting for my turn to start puking, :puke:

I'm sorry to hear that :( get well soon.

I have a sore throat and fever, but it's okay today, yesterday I felt crap.
aaaaaaaaaaahahha :lol:
what's his/her name?
my brother told me the other day he actually wanted to name his daughter maren, but a collegue from work's daughter already had that name
Maqus said:
Wherefore do I have this baaaad and painful diarrheoa when I had only two fried eggs yesterday?

Merry Shitmas :ill:

if it continues, don't be an ass like me. go see a doctor. it might not go away on it's own.

and I'm grumpy. got a stiff neck, and that makes me grumpy.
snow2fall said:
And we're having a new one in our family now. I've been an auntie since last night. :Smug:
thats great, wait till the little bastids are taking over your room every xams and you're getting no sleep. And then their parents decide to stay for the week o_O