the mood thread

i feel a bit shaky. dunno it's due to too much coffee, or the fact that my daughter kinda smashed the car this morning, or maybe i'm getting ill... dunno :s
Im try to convince various family members how much they mean they mean to me, this is hard when youre pissed on a bottle of powers, i should give up i tink..........
My university failed to register my cancellation of an exam, because they had messed up the initial registration, forcing me to reregister. This naturally meant the cancellation papers I had gotten before the re-registration didn't go through properly. It's enough that I have to deal with my own ineptitude, spare me others'
I am out of job, good, good, good.
Anyway i have to get my driving licence, exams to do, i have to do something i promise i was going to do and i didnt do it.

And the hardest of all, i have to stand with my own lazyness. Dull.

Today i have to choose what to do with my life. Ok maybe i could do it tomorrow.

You know i am spanish, we are famous for leave everything for tomorrow.
Allan said:
My university failed to register my cancellation of an exam, because they had messed up the initial registration, forcing me to reregister. This naturally meant the cancellation papers I had gotten before the re-registration didn't go through properly. It's enough that I have to deal with my own ineptitude, spare me others'
wahh don't even mention exams...
I have one tomorrow, but that's the least...
There's my little story again with Tiamat. everytime they were playing here I had an exam the next day, so I couldn't go to any of their concerts, thus didn't see them live yet. on the 12th they will play here again, and I was kinda excited and happy, bought my ticket and all that. Today they told me I'll have an exam on the 13th :ill:


...I think i'm gonna SHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOUT!!!!!!!!! :(
ah that sucks, u should see them, they played an excellent gig on new years eve in vienna, also the one in salzburg was amazing... they have a new tour gitarrist and he is very talented, gave the thing an extra something... and they played quite a few old songs, even sleeping beauty.... dont miss it :(
a) I don't wanna sleep right now.
b) I don't wanna wake up early for work and I don't wanna work tomorrow.
c) I wanna go somewhere with friends, a place with music and good ambiance.
d) I don't wanna charge the fucking mobile phones and set the alarm.
e) I wanna be free.
It's so strange, I went back to a Hungarian forum I posted in the early 2003, into a thread called "What's your favourite track now?" and one nick already started to take the piss, asking "Is it serious that you're gonna post again, and every ten minutes?" I told him he reminds me of someone I don't know personally. There must be something really annoying about Dhatura that she's repeatedly reminded not to post :tickled:

Another strange thing is since I came here in the early 2003, I've always felt this is the most homely board, even though it's in English.