the mood thread

I'm depressed. i have no money again. i bought one of those xd card things for my digital camera so i can take mroe than 24 pictures at a time..and a charger for it too. and now i need to buy food, but i'm not having money
Maqus said:
No masochist action is needed, I don't even remember mentioning it :) -- the office pc, that is.
I'm a fan of the wrong football club, that's masochistic enough most of the time. You mentioned it in that context, hehe.
Maqus said:
It's so strange, I went back to a Hungarian forum I posted in the early 2003, into a thread called "What's your favourite track now?" and one nick already started to take the piss, asking "Is it serious that you're gonna post again, and every ten minutes?" I told him he reminds me of someone I don't know personally. There must be something really annoying about Dhatura that she's repeatedly reminded not to post :tickled:

Now I find it really funny, the abusertwat's favourite track now at 16:48:53 today is:

stereo total - do the bambi
It's amazing, innit? :Spin:

But please don't discourage me, I have to use the time until the Father's away.

nay, I just found it strange that I hadn't been there for two years, and I replied to someone's post about Cruachan and this was the reaction.
What's the weather like in the British Isles now? I've heard on the radio there have been tornadoes, and a ferry overturned (and/or sank?) somewhere near Scotland.
gale force winds last night, heavy rain, floods. clear cold and sunny this morning, pissing rain and grey skins this afternoon. clear and bright now. typical irish january really
I just checked the ferry neither sank nor overturned but ran aground.


wah I'm fed up with this weather we have here recently... it's all hot and it hasn't been snowing yet... I miss snow, and also miss going out to my balcony and watch it :cry: if it continues like this I guess I will only see snow when I will have to go to Finland for university purposes about 2 years from now or more :erk:
There was some snow in the northeast at Christmas. I haven't seen it though. But I'm fine with this weather, it's just that it usually turns very cold in February or March for some reason.
Oh, spoke too soon, got bad this past hour, police telling people to stay indoor and I have no food other than peas and bread :erk: , not even honey for my tea