the mood thread

okay, but there has to happen metal stuff with teddy
Betty Boo
Betty Boo just doin the do
and you are oh
and there's nothing you can do

I'm sorry if I upset ya
To get the better of me I wouldn't let ya
Any time of the day i'm gonna get ya
you come running to me yes I bet ya
Ain't going out like a sucker
No need to huff and puffa
Cause Baby I am tougher
Than you think, so you just gotta suffer

I'm sorry if I upset ya
To get the better of me I wouldn't let ya
Any time of the day i'm gonna get ya
you come running to me yes I bet ya
Ain't going out like a sucker
No need to huff and puffa
Cause Baby I am tougher
Than you think, so you just gotta suffer

Betty Boo
Betty Boo just doin the do
and you are oh
and there's nothing you can do

(and you have to do the oh's :))
I love these rhymes :)

Ain't going out like a sucker
No need to huff and puffa
Cause Baby I am tougher
Than you think, so you just gotta suffer
I ain't never gonna be your chauffer
oih! after quite a waiting I got my copy of pitchshifter's live dvd, and despite its downsides (it's out of sync by 0,1 seconds every now and then, and they didn't have too many cameras to shoot it with) the content - the concert especially - kicks serious ass. the gig ain't that long (about 50 minutes) but it really didn't need to be longer. too crap it was an older gig so the songs from the last album aren't there. [mood=happy]

on a less lighter note my ears are going snap crackle pop today, just as I recovered from my throat giving me hard time last weekend :yell: and the only doc appointment I got is for tomorrow at 1:30pm. one hell of a wait if it doesn't ease up a bit :ill: [mood=not too healthy and paranoid, since I keep hearing there's somebody at the door, knocking. but there never is -just my ears playing tricks on me]
Crack Hitler said:
on a less lighter note my ears are going snap crackle pop today, just as I recovered from my throat giving me hard time last weekend :yell: and the only doc appointment I got is for tomorrow at 1:30pm. one hell of a wait if it doesn't ease up a bit :ill: [mood=not too healthy and paranoid, since I keep hearing there's somebody at the door, knocking. but there never is -just my ears playing tricks on me]
i don't get it either, twelf hours ago i was rehearsing metal stuff with my teddys, no pagan screaming involved and now i woke up with this throat as hell. tell me what to do cause the health insurance still has my doctor card so i dunno what to do besides horrible hot lemon tea anyway :erk:
I have no tricks up my sleaves, sorry. I only used patience like a regular buddha (+ inhumane amounts of Hitman 2 on xbox :cool: ), but then again my throat wasn't fucked up in a traditional sense. it felt somehow blocked and itchy and swollen up, but there was no indications of your normal throat ache syndromes :err:

I'd suggest tea and honey and whisky till you get to the doc.
Someone gave me this recipe but it was easier to lie in bed than try make it so ive no idea if it actually works

1 litre of water put in a pot and boil.
Take 4 oranges, juice them, put the juice and as much pulp as you can in the pot. Take 2 red chillis and chop them up (if your cold is bad or you like spicy food) or just cut them lenght ways which makes them larger and easy to remove later. Include about a 2 euro size slice of fresh ginger finely chopped, again if you can t handle spicy food leave it whole and remove it. Put in 4 very large table spoons of honey. Leave that to boil for about 15 mins. Then put in a thermos and suckle on it for a couple of hours. Whilst drinking it you should feel completely normal. It bys me about 4 hours before I start feeling th symptoms of a cold come back. Usually your over you cold with in a day - or 3 drinks.
Bambi said:
it was the skimpy silver space girl suit that did it, you'll catch you death in them things.
yeah, that's the last time i take clothing advice from you :erk:

well i wasn't gonna drink alcohol before friday, but if crack advices this...
Bambi said:
Someone gave me this recipe but it was easier to lie in bed than try make it so ive no idea if it actually works
it tastes really nice, i'm not sure if its working yet (halfway my first cup) but its healthy anyway. and for once the chilli didn't leave burning body parts.