the mood thread

more ****** "mid european" humour :worship:

"Is this some sort of white cunts' joke that black cunts don't get? 'Cos I am not
fucking laughing, Nik-ol-as"

Rory Breaker (RIP)
korsfarer said:
it's funny you mention it, because yesterday i was standing in line wanting to check out a single item for 20 minutes. there were only two people in front, both americans, both argueing about pricing and shit....
It makes a bit more sense now. :Spin:
Bambi said:
there should be a lot more shouting, violence, unitidiness etc on this "metal "board

no no no wrong wrong violence is OFFENDING, and you cannot offend each other here becuase we're all SPECIAL FRIENDS and we like having FUN but we are so depressed sometimes. no OFFENDING here right? right???
I'd suggest you to go to a parents forum if you want shouting and untidiness. :p


snow2fall said:
God will punish you for not keeping your promise, Bambi. ;)
Not likely, i can just go to confession to repent and get away scott free...a fringe benefit :Spin:

Anyways Ive retropsectively covered my tracks :tickled: