the mood thread

Mariner said:
ah driesje stop smoking and save the money for greece :loco:
i can't and i don't wanne, (but i found out that i'm smoking less lately.)

and now that i see lots of you are going to greece, i'm thinking about it myself. but i have too choose between greece and finland then. :confused:
marginalé said:
i can't and i don't wanne, (but i found out that i'm smoking less lately.)

and now that i see lots of you are going to greece, i'm thinking about it myself. but i have too choose between greece and finland then. :confused:
well i just read that they consider going to scandinavia,so...easy choice?!
sooo neeervoussss, i`ve got an exam tomorrow and my knowledge is a crap, though i`ve been studying for the larger part of the day :erk: