the mood thread

Morpheus said:
congrats then!!! :Spin:
Thanks :)! If I had failed I`d be probably sitting here now sobbing :cry:, listening to relevant Anathema`s songs ;) thinking what a crap I am! Instead I`m sitting here and thinking what a lucky bastard I am ;)!
:hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
amicitia said:
Probably no-one cares here ;), but I`m so happy that I have to share this feeling with everyone everywhere, I passed my exam in Linguistics this morning, ended up with a "good" grade and this is my first success during this exam session after some failures :(. I feel so great, this event has made my day :Spin:
congratulations =)))) it's a sign that i'll pass my history test next week ;)
i hope... =( =( now i must learn and learn...... :(((
ekhm, it seems I`m a bit late trying to thank every single person who`s given me her/his congrats, so thank u all ppl!!!!!!!!!!! Shit, the last time I was so haaappyyyyyyyy & excited, was seeing Anathema :P on 31st ;) :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
for a while i thought there are really people on this message boards Starting Every Word With A Capital Letter
now i found out it's just configuring your text that way when you write everything with your capslock on
finding this out made me feel satisfied :satisfied:
Strangelight said:
when are you coming to Ireland?
I hope you're not referring to the "Sex For Free"-thing *gggggg* Joking ;)
Hmm, would be nice, to visit you :) . At the moment I'm giving my best to get some money together. As soon as I have enough to make some plans I will let you know