the mood thread

I feel exited about tomorrow, cant wait :)
I'm afraid there will be so much rain that our tent will drown ;)
I'm happy I'll see some really good friends again, specially my "irish devil" ;)
I just went to eat with one of my best friends *full*
yesterday i drunk 2 wines on a party... then i had a great party
went home and slept for 4 hours... in the morning i was tired sleepy and had stomach-ache =) but after hot shower, good breakfast i feel ok =P
and there's very nice weather =] sun is shining but it isn't too hot =]
I just come back from Kaltenbach Open Air, hell, that was a pure fucking Vodka party :lol: :lol:

but the last 3 days I was drunk, its terrible :lol:

thursday went to monster magnet, had an aftershowparty and free whisky.... friday I was down at the abyss bar, met the graveworms who where rehearsing there and got drunk again.... saturday went with them to the festival... and again :lol:
and I still dont have a hangover ;)

but that festival was great, graveworm just rocked the place, pungent stench were fun again and also behemoth were cool... impaled nazarene was funny, a girl came up on stage and took off her clothes, so mika just came to her and kissed and fingered her on stage!!! lol, took some hot shots there :lol: :lol:
me too :(

Found you there in the blink of an eye
(I) miss you
Turned away into a thousand dreams
Found out what they mean

Lost you there in a moment of truth
(I) trust you
Gave away the one and only heart
(A) gift to tear apart

Stain me, save me
Take me to my home
Hold me, show me
Take me to my home

Weaker now, drawing fluid from me
(You) kill me
I'm not afraid of what you have just done
(But of) what you've just become


:( :( :(
*sigh* yeah, i know caroline.

"so sad...sometimes i feel so saaaad...." that tune keeps playing in my head again. (who's it from?)
hmm, that might not be the best thing to do when you're already feeling sad.
although, crying and weeping can relieve you sometimes too...
If I can cry that's much much better than when I can't. Depressed people don't cry, they're just sponkey eyed. So cry and sigh, ladies, even though Shakespeare says you shouldn't :D

Sigh no more, ladies sigh no more
Men were deceivers ever
One foot in sea and one on shore
To one thing constant never
Then sigh not so but let them go
And be you blithe and bonny
Converting all your sounds of woe
Into hey, nonny, nonny

(I'm not sure what nonny is though.)

it's a bit crowded
I don't like to cry in public because once I start I can hardly stop and my face gets swollen and red. Do you cry in public without any restraint?