the mood thread

yeah i know.. but what else do i have to do? say it now, at this moment to my dad to fuck off?? nope, i'm aa too much cowerd for that
did you just find out? calm down! take your time to cool down a bit before you go smacking ppl in the face.

hey, i understand it must be hard on you. i'm sorry to hear.... but you know...these things happen....
i read one of her emails last week, but not all of it..
now i read it again and every single fucking word blablablacrycryblablablacrycrycryblabla (is it that hard to close your fucking emailswhen you leave the computer (ok, i did go look for it and openend it somehow, but i forgot to print it down :yell: )
he's going to pay for it the idiot, messing with my mom (that sounds so stupid)
Hey Driesje, you're not a loser! You have the right to be mad and angry about what's happened. There's no need to run away and hide. Tell your old man and his "girlfriend" (or whatever you wanna call her) how you feel, yell at them if you like. That won't change anything about the situation, but you'll feel a bit better afterwards.
i went through a similar situation, only i was too much of a loser to do anything but sit in my room and think about how good it'd feel to slap them both! the girl wasn't a friend of my mothers though, but a hated enemy...anyways it sucks. :(

you're correct to feel like you do, and you should definitely find a way to vent!
snow2fall said:
Hey Driesje, you're not a loser! You have the right to be mad and angry about what's happened. There's no need to run away and hide. Tell your old man and his "girlfriend" (or whatever you wanna call her) how you feel, yell at them if you like. That won't change anything about the situation, but you'll feel a bit better afterwards.
wise words...

and if you really feel like hitting and beating s.o., why don't you try a punching-ball!
snow2fall said:
If people listened to the pope, HIV would spread more rapidly and this planet would be even more over-populated than it already is. :Smug:
why?? the pope says people shouldnt go around riding everything in sight which is a pretty good way not to spread AIDS. And in case you have'nt noticed the developed world is becoming less populated which could be a disaster for the global economy. So Il Papa is catching the correct bigtime, you lot are just bitter o_O
Bastet said:
wise words...

and if you really feel like hitting and beating s.o., why don't you try a punching-ball!
punch bags dont make funny noises when you hit them, and they dont have soft bits that are easy on yer hands. People are best :Spin:
Bambi said:
why?? the pope says people shouldnt go around riding everything in sight which is a pretty good way not to spread AIDS. And in case you have'nt noticed the developed world is becoming less populated which could be a disaster for the global economy. So Il Papa is catching the correct bigtime, you lot are just bitter o_O
The so-called "developed world" might be becoming less populated, but the "underdeveloped" countries aren't. They keep procreating and developing, thus increasing pollution - which is a disaster for the whole planet.
The pope doesn't approve of condoms, nor does he like the idea of contraceptive pills. So even if you don't ride exactly everything in sight, it's quite likely that you either produce unwanted offspring or transmit/ catch some unpleasant viruses.

Btw, does Il Papa approve of hitting people? :dopey:
he does indeed, when a blokes married and carrying on with fancy women, a few divinely inspired slaps are in order :tickled:

but why would offspring be unwanted?? I think even poor countries have a right to have kids. I know lots of rich westerners think the third worlds birth rates should be controlled, but that idea is a kinda FASCIST i reckon.

And how can you be concerned about the spread of AIDS and overpopulation in the third world?? they kinda cancel each other out, make yer mind up :erk:
The Numbers Game - Myths, Truths and Half-Truths About Human Population Growth and the Environment.

To ignore population as a central issue while talking about sprawl, air and water pollution, loss of biodiversity, agricultural land and animal habitat, global warming and many other crucial environmental issues - is to deny reality. Yet it's one that the green movement ignores for fear of alienating a public that may associate family planning with abortion or see attempts to curb immigration as racist, but the numbers of people added to the planet each year roll back any progress made by conservation measures.

Only in recent history has humankind discovered the means with which to increase the average human lifespan and reduce infant mortality rate: sanitation practices and modern medicines. With these discoveries, we have multiplied our numbers faster than ever before, going from 1 billion to 2 billion in only 123 years, such a brief moment in human history. As is the nature of unchecked growth, the momentum accelerated and the world went from 5 billion people to 6 billion in only 12 short years. The balance of nature has been drastically upset and the environment is already paying the price. The good news is that mankind has made another discovery, this one to check birth rates: modern contraceptives. This, coupled with the desire to have fewer children, (since now so many children are living beyond infancy) has led to a decline in birth rates, starting in the 1960s. Abstinence, delaying of marriage, education, contraceptives, empowerment of women, and the funding of family planning and reproductive health the world over will alleviate the population momentum that will result from 2 billion young people entering their child-bearing years. ...

"It's not because people started breeding like rabbits.
It's that they stopped dying like flies."
... Nicholas Eberstadt, a demographer at the American Enterprise Institute

The world is growing by more than 76 million people a year. At the current rate of growth, even accounting for a continual decrease in the growth rate, the world population is headed for double digits within 50 years. Every 20 minutes, the world adds another 3,500 human lives but loses one or more entire species of animal or plant life - at least 27,000 species per year. The world population has doubled in the last 40 years. It took just 12 years to leap from 5 billion to 6 billion. It took about 18 centuries for the earth to reach its first one billion inhabitants. The world is adding a city the size of Los Angeles every two weeks.

Birth rates are falling worldwide but death rates are declining even faster. A tiny fraction - only 7 percent - of the world's people live in countries where population is not growing.

If fertility remained at current levels, the population would reach the absurd figure of 296 billion in just 150 years. Even if it dropped to 2.5 children per woman and then stopped falling, the population would still reach 28 billion.

1.2 billion people worldwide are living on $1.00 a day or less.
@snow2fall: I share the concern but not the surprise that population growth is exponential (maths...)