the mood thread

Bambi said:
we'll less of that commie talk out of you, pioneer

wtf, are you suddenly a westerner now? :D

At least in the version of Monopoly we had everyone won and could build their little houses if they were toiling away hard enough.
Doubt folks in underdeveloped countries would take much interest in rubbish recycling and so on.

Proper nutrition (including ways to be self-sufficient with that) and health care, then you can start all the fancy talk afterwards. Of course these days development aid is used to support troops in Iraq, so..

Don't really wanna get into this now, so massive. Go on about overpopulation and Aids.
why are ye all talking about this, when we already know about it? it makes for quite boring reading actually :erk: look folks, stop trying to out do each other, we know ye know and whats been said before etc etc etc, empty vessels make more noise as they say :D
snow2fall said:
Who's talking about restrictions? Would just be nice if globalization had a positive effect as well - the transfer and exchange of knowledge and technologies between the industrialized and developing world. There's a lot us westerners can learn in the field of health and medicine, why not giving people advice on how to use alternative energy sources or how to recycle their rubbish?! Going a different, less destructive way doesn't mean going a less effective way.
hmm, if my heart suddenly stops working right, give me a cardiologist over some bloke with needles. theres a reason its called complimentary medicine y'know... its not much use on its own :grin:

and there is a transfer and exchange of knowledge and technology, we show 'em how to make pcs and shoes and then we build factories so they can make pcs and shoes. everyones a winner!

and yeah on macro political issues im a westerner, its only on local issues im a leftie :wave:

pfft in ireland now you'd need monopoly money to buy a house 200,000 yoyos for the house next door, a three bed council house ffs!!
Allan said:
Doubt folks in underdeveloped countries would take much interest in rubbish recycling and so on.

Proper nutrition (including ways to be self-sufficient with that) and health care, then you can start all the fancy talk afterwards. Of course these days development aid is used to support troops in Iraq, so..

Don't really wanna get into this now, so massive. Go on about overpopulation and Aids.
why not?? just disagree with whatever anyone else says and you cant go wrong :Spin:

ah go on go on go on go on go on go on


Have you heard the Irish National Bank is now the property of the Danish Bank? Bought another Irish bank too, don't remember the name, we're taking over the world.
Allan said:
Have you heard the Irish National Bank is now the property of the Danish Bank? Bought another Irish bank too, don't remember the name, we're taking over the world.
yeah we're all delighted, all the banks over here were caught ripping the customers off and breaking laws left, right and centre. so a bit of competition will be good
Allan said:
Have you heard the Irish National Bank is now the property of the Danish Bank? Bought another Irish bank too, don't remember the name, we're taking over the world.

Are you, hehe, Hungary's gonna kick the shit out of Denmark in Debrecen in the women's handball Eurocup this week :Spin:
Argh, handball, I thought only Danes cared about t, it scares me how much I know about a sport I have so little interest in. But yeah, you probably will, we're missing 8-10 players to injury and laziness.

We still have the prettiest team though.
snow2fall said:
Who's talking about restrictions? Would just be nice if globalization had a positive effect as well - the transfer and exchange of knowledge and technologies between the industrialized and developing world. There's a lot us westerners can learn in the field of health and medicine, why not giving people advice on how to use alternative energy sources or how to recycle their rubbish?! Going a different, less destructive way doesn't mean going a less effective way.

it doesnt work in western countries, none gives a flying fuck about recycling and that in most countries except in germany and the NL. the people here are uneducated when it comes to managing daily wastes, we still buy loads of items that are wrapped in nice useless plastic package, people throw their stuff whenever they feel like it, and the only difference with india or cambodia, is that here we got my pals and arabs and dries to collect the trash bins, whereas in india people scavenger the bins to find food. you cant really ask thirld world countries to become super clean and watch out and that when most western countries are deep in their shit and dont really wanna get out of it, building more nuclear plants so they could sell electricity to each other. and far east medicine? no thanks.
Bambi said:
nobody kicks anything in handball
why do so many european countries exel in only utterly gay sports. cant any of yis play rugby ffs??

I played handball too :cry: But you'd be delighted to see how kicky those ladies become in action.

And you excel in those manly sports cause you don't let your women go out and play what they'd like cause they have to take care of their families.

Actually, I just found out why Irish families are so big. They all want to have their own hurling teams, how posh.
Allan said:
We still have the kickiest team though.


But Allan, don't tell me if you were there and saw your women playing against us, you'd stay dead calm and say "I have no interest in it."