The name "Opeth" and racism.

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anonymousnick2001 said:
Actually, that Metalheads Against Racism linked opened a can of worms for me, so I feel pretty stupid right now. :(
i read that site, especially the hate mail. its all a load of crap. Some of the emails raise some interesting points and the guy in the site doesnt answer a single one of them properly. He just tries to turn each email into a joke in a sort of 'hahaha ive beaten you by making funny comments on your arguments'.

The guy doesnt know how to argue to save his life.
Justin S. said:
The term "racism" is essentially meaningless since all it details is "catagorizing by race". If you note that the Martins are "hispanic" or Mike and Peter are "scandinavian" you are "racist" because you describe their genetic lineage.

Racism is reality- whether we like it or not, there most certainly are distinctly different population groups on Earth with genetic variation. The often ignorant and senseless use of it to victimize others is the problem, NOT the validity of the classification method.

I wish "racism" would cease to be a dirty word and political/PR tool.
I wish the agenda, and ideals of racsim, the whole damn concept would cease to exist.
Racism is some absurd irrationality of whom has less and whom has more in terms of resources and opprotunites. It is the ugliest evil, and form of facism ever in world history.
Humans are entitled to equality if they've earned it.
As for the word "opeth" in conjuction with racsim, the band itself has a couple of Latino's to it's rythym section.
One would have to ask the founding members of Opeth what the word "Opeth" means to them.
i heard that the band found the word (band name) Opeth from another source. something to do with planets,city of the Moon, I dunno.
Shadows Skulk said:
and Justin S. you're wrong

calling the Martins Hispanic and the others Scandinavian isn't racist because it doesn't imply the superiority of one or the other, nor does it display discrimination.

One site link doesnt refute anything; Especially so when im discussing etymology, and things like only deal with contemporary definitions. The root 'race' and suffix 'ism' dont imply anything whatsoever about ordinals or heirarchy. That is a modern connotation and interpretation- which is what i was arguing against the first time!
deathbearer said:
I wish the agenda, and ideals of racsim, the whole damn concept would cease to exist.
Racism is some absurd irrationality of whom has less and whom has more in terms of resources and opprotunites. It is the ugliest evil, and form of facism ever in world history.
Humans are entitled to equality if they've earned it.
As for the word "opeth" in conjuction with racsim, the band itself has a couple of Latino's to it's rythym section.
One would have to ask the founding members of Opeth what the word "Opeth" means to them.
i heard that the band found the word (band name) Opeth from another source. something to do with planets,city of the Moon, I dunno.

Did you come up with that all by yourself, or was it the countless hours of 'Captain Planet' speaking?

Ill tell you what is an absurd "rationality" that is quite ironic; your dogmatic worldview passed off as enlightenment or above reproach.

The meaning of "racism" (as this thread shows) has dramatically changed and is now heavliy loaded. What would you proprose for a new term to describe genetic traits common to select populations???

I seriously hope you are railing against the misuse of classification and not the concept in of itself- if so, i urge you to research basic biology.

As for the members of Opeth being unreasonably biased against other ethic groups... not a chance.
Justin S. said:
One site link doesnt refute anything; Especially so when im discussing etymology, and things like only deal with contemporary definitions. The root 'race' and suffix 'ism' dont imply anything whatsoever about ordinals or heirarchy. That is a modern connotation and interpretation- which is what i was arguing against the first time!

It's irrelevant to argue that racism is a meaningless term by noting an archaic definition, especially when the subject of the thread clearly refers to the contemporary definition. If that irrelevancy was intentional, then I retract my argument in a flourish of indifference.
Shadows Skulk said:
It's irrelevant to argue that racism is a meaningless term by noting an archaic definition, especially when the subject of the thread clearly refers to the contemporary definition. If that irrelevancy was intentional, then I retract my argument in a flourish of indifference.

Its hardly "archaic", and even if it were it changes little. The word still is the word (and retains inherent meaning) regardless of what crap people slap on it.

Id have less of a problem with the change if another term was used to replace
the one lost to negative association. By altering a word, our society has curtailed concepts and that is very dangerous.
I suppose you'd like never to use the word "breakfast" unless you are literally breaking your fast?

And I don't see how the evolution of a word's definition can possibly be 'dangerous.' No one is saying "hey let's ignore the real meaning of the word 'racism' and alter it for political gain." They are merely using the word as it is contemporarily defined, which is perfectly valid.

A better argument would be about how the word 'racism' shouldn't exist because races don't really exist.
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