The name "Opeth" and racism.

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Justin S. said:
Did you come up with that all by yourself, or was it the countless hours of 'Captain Planet' speaking?

Ill tell you what is an absurd "rationality" that is quite ironic; your dogmatic worldview passed off as enlightenment or above reproach.

The meaning of "racism" (as this thread shows) has dramatically changed and is now heavliy loaded. What would you proprose for a new term to describe genetic traits common to select populations???

I seriously hope you are railing against the misuse of classification and not the concept in of itself- if so, i urge you to research basic biology.

As for the members of Opeth being unreasonably biased against other ethic groups... not a chance.
You must be some internet troll, or complete imbecile. I'm half black and half cherokee Indian and adopted by whites.. I specifically said in my post that because opeth have two latino's in the band, it is NOT, NOT, likely that they are racist at all.
I am railing about the classification as this thread is just pure bullshit. The concept of racism in iteslf is INHUMAN. So screw off.
Your reading comprehension skills are very poor indeed.
Racism is NOT the description of "genetic traits dsecribing a population".
Racism is a reality in justifiying, simply by race whom has more resources and whom has less, by way of the untrue notion that one race is superior, while another is inferior.
I'm ardently AGAINST the ideology known as racism, or facism.
You better know what you're talking about, as it's obvious that you don't, because I have a degree in Black Studies amoungst other majors.
I'm not nearly as "dogmatic" as you, as you don't comprehend racism, or that dangerous ideology
For the last time, someone lock this thread, Opeth are NOT racist, just this dumb idiot that responds to my post.
I agree that racism is pretty damn useless in this modern day and age. And quite stupid, as well. I understand, and even to an extremely small degree sympathize with ethnocentrism. But racism? Maybe in the age of the neanderthals...
Shadows Skulk said:
races don't really exist.

While it is true that there are no 100% "hard lines", you would be totally without support if you try to claim that there are not distinctly different populations on this planet that have unique characteristics- in other words, phenotype frequency. Whether you look at it from a pure biology standpoint, or an anthropological one (human migrations) you cannot deny the existance of races.

It would help if you would give some explaination for you statements.
Originally Posted by Tunimetal
Nazi's fled to to south america, so i thought they must like them and let them join the bands.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. What a load of shit, so a few Nazi's fled to South America, that means the govt was sympathetic not the people of the country. What an Idiot.

Also the Nazi;s who fled there would be like 80 now, can you imagine an 80 year old in a DM band.
deathbearer said:
You must be some internet troll, or complete imbecile. I'm half black and half cherokee Indian and adopted by whites.. I specifically said in my post that because opeth have two latino's in the band, it is NOT, NOT, likely that they are racist at all.
I am railing about the classification as this thread is just pure bullshit. The concept of racism in iteslf is INHUMAN. So screw off.
Your reading comprehension skills are very poor indeed.
Racism is NOT the description of "genetic traits dsecribing a population".
Racism is a reality in justifiying, simply by race whom has more resources and whom has less, by way of the untrue notion that one race is superior, while another is inferior.
I'm ardently AGAINST the ideology known as racism, or facism.
You better know what you're talking about, as it's obvious that you don't, because I have a degree in Black Studies amoungst other majors.
I'm not nearly as "dogmatic" as you, as you don't comprehend racism, or that dangerous ideology
For the last time, someone lock this thread, Opeth are NOT racist, just this dumb idiot that responds to my post.

"Your reading comprehension skills are very poor indeed." Uh huh. :tickled:

Hey, I have a few questions for you, and Shadows Skulk as well...

If, as you claim, there are in fact no races, then what are these terms "whites", "blacks", "latino", etc. refering to??? You cannot denote classification and then deny such things exist!

A degree in "Black" Studies?!! You have an academic degree in something that is, as you say, "pure bullshit"? Please tell me who has a preoccupation with race!
Justin S. said:
While it is true that there are no 100% "hard lines", you would be totally without support if you try to claim that there are not distinctly different populations on this planet that have unique characteristics- in other words, phenotype frequency. Whether you look at it from a pure biology standpoint, or an anthropological one (human migrations) you cannot deny the existance of races.

It would help if you would give some explaination for you statements.
I'm a Molecular Geneticist and this statement is 100% correct. Additionally, since no one will stop, I've reported the thread to the moderators because this thread shouldn't continue, nor should it be left up. It can be damaging to put "racist" and a band's name in the same sentence.

Thank you and shut the fuck up.
I'll second this.
\m/ :kickass:


sknight said:
I'm a Molecular Geneticist and this statement is 100% correct. Additionally, since no one will stop, I've reported the thread to the moderators because this thread shouldn't continue, nor should it be left up. It can be damaging to put "racist" and a band's name in the same sentence.

Thank you and shut the fuck up.
Justin S. said:
"Your reading comprehension skills are very poor indeed." Uh huh. :tickled:

Hey, I have a few questions for you, and Shadows Skulk as well...

If, as you claim, there are in fact no races, then what are these terms "whites", "blacks", "latino", etc. refering to??? You cannot denote classification and then deny such things exist!

A degree in "Black" Studies?!! You have an academic degree in something that is, as you say, "pure bullshit"? Please tell me who has a preoccupation with race!
Again, you are troll :gets out fly squatter and smashes troll:
You can NOT back up your argument with facts. In fact you fail to understand yourself and WHY you are arguing. Is there something you are hiding?
Maybe it's your personality or lack there of.When you are proven wrong, you contradict, and conflict just to ARGUE.
There are races, but "color is just a pigment of your imagination".
Within races, there are cultural differences, based upon nationality.Understanding, diverse culturals is the key.
As for me co- majoring in black studies, I learned to understand the often surpressed cultural history of Africans, and African Americans.
Understanding ones cultural history does not mean they are "preoccupied" with it. Understanding, specifically when you're adopted, you're own cultural history, is important as one needs to define thier identity, and to hmm "KNOW where they came from".
i get along just fine, thank you with all different cultures, races, creeds, genders and sexual orientations.
I'm sorry to hear that YOU DON'T. In the fact that you would think that someone studying thier cultural heritage is a "BAD THING" goes to show you how obssesed of a racist YOU are.
sknight said:
I'm a Molecular Geneticist and this statement is 100% correct. Additionally, since no one will stop, I've reported the thread to the moderators because this thread shouldn't continue, nor should it be left up. It can be damaging to put "racist" and a band's name in the same sentence.

Thank you and shut the fuck up.
I agree, someone lock this thread.
deathbearer said:
Again, you are troll :gets out fly squatter and smashes troll:
You can NOT back up your argument with facts. In fact you fail to understand yourself and WHY you are arguing. Is there something you are hiding?
Maybe it's your personality or lack there of.When you are proven wrong, you contradict, and conflict just to ARGUE.
There are races, but "color is just a pigment of your imagination".
Within races, there are cultural differences, based upon nationality. Diverse cultural world affilations is the key.
As for me co- majoring in black studies, I learned to understand theoften surpessed cultural history of Africans, and African Americans.
Understanding ones cultural history does not mean they are "preoccupied" with it. Understanding, specifically when you're adopted, you're own cultural history, is important as one needs to define thier identity, and to hmm "KNOW where they came from".
i get along just fine, thank you with all different cultures, races, creeds, genders and sexuality.
I'm sorry to hear that YOU DON'T. In the fact that you would think that someone studying thier cultural heritage is a "BAD THING" goes to show you how obssesed of a racist YOU are.

Its awesome watching you debate yourself. I have not made ONE value judgement regarding race; im simply trying to define the term.

"When you are proven wrong, you contradict, and conflict just to ARGUE." Are we reading the same thread?

"There are races, but "color is just a pigment of your imagination".'
Man, thats just too cute.

"Diverse cultural world affilations is the key." ... the "key" to what?

"Understanding ones cultural history does not mean they are "preoccupied" with it. "
Except when they are white, of course :grin:.

"Understanding, specifically when you're adopted, you're own cultural history, is important as one needs to define thier identity, and to hmm "KNOW where they came from"."

Well, id sure like to, but for some reason there are virtually no German Ethnicity classes at american universities ;) Strange really.
Justin S. said:
Its awesome watching you debate yourself. I have not made ONE value judgement regarding race; im simply trying to define the term.

"When you are proven wrong, you contradict, and conflict just to ARGUE." Are we reading the same thread?

"There are races, but "color is just a pigment of your imagination".'
Man, thats just too cute.

"Diverse cultural world affilations is the key." ... the "key" to what?

"Understanding ones cultural history does not mean they are "preoccupied" with it. "
Except when they are white, of course :grin:.

"Understanding, specifically when you're adopted, you're own cultural history, is important as one needs to define thier identity, and to hmm "KNOW where they came from"."

Well, id sure like to, but for some reason there are virtually no German Ethnicity classes at american universities ;) Strange really.
Except when they are white of course? You could easily study the history of the Irish, German and other Europeans. Knowing some German history(:sarcasm:) is not to difficult (for you) because Hitler nealry conqured half of Europe until the allied forces put and end to him.
Depending on the college you go to, you could take classes at least in the German language or study abroad and learn the countries history.
Perhaps a trip to Germany will help you undertstand the "atrocities" of that nations history. Or you could pick up a book. :sigh; A book, what a concept!
Maybe you should go to college too, being an internet troll must not pay you very well.
Understanding ones cultural heritage while being white does not in iteslf make one racist. Plenty of Irish celebrate st. patricks day. :shrugs:
Alternative 3 said:
Originally Posted by Tunimetal
Nazi's fled to to south america, so i thought they must like them and let them join the bands.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. What a load of shit, so a few Nazi's fled to South America, that means the govt was sympathetic not the people of the country. What an Idiot.

Also the Nazi;s who fled there would be like 80 now, can you imagine an 80 year old in a DM band.

"white" history is not Axis history. there are as many different white histories as there are variations in any other so called "race" whether you believe they exist or not, the histories of such groups are not so general and similar.
deathbearer said:
Except when they are white of course? You could easily study the history of the Irish, German and other Europeans. Knowing some German history(:sarcasm:) is not to difficult (for you) because Hitler nealry conqured half of Europe until the allied forces put and end to him.
Depending on the college you go to, you could take classes at least in the German language or study abroad and learn the countries history.
Perhaps a trip to Germany will help you undertstand the "atrocities" of that nations history. Or you could pick up a book. :sigh; A book, what a concept!
Maybe you should go to college too, being an internet troll must not pay you very well.
Understanding ones cultural heritage while being white does not in iteslf make one racist. Plenty of Irish celebrate st. patricks day. :shrugs:

Notice I said "ethnicity", not History. There are no degrees in "White Studies" :tickled:.

I was hunting around for exclusive universities but there are no White Colleges... only Black Universities and they turned me away!!! The fucking racists!!! :waah:

Oh, and there is more to European history than the span of 1933-1945.
Décadent said:
Am I the only one who is enormously turned on by this thread?
No, in fact what turns me on even more is how much of the same views I share with Justin S. and more predominantly how hard he seems to be (inadvertently?) plowing deathbearer's arguments into the floor.

I was on the brink of locking this thread, because certain folks *cough* brought it down to a personal level. I feel that this topic, whilst being totally ludicrous when synonymized with Opeth, has opened up an interesting topic of conversation/debate and I feel it should be left open unless or until it turns into a degenerate slander-fest. As long as it doesn't turn into complete bigotry and personal slander, I feel it should be left.

If any of you folks do have a problem with it, just tell me and also give me a few good reasons as to why it should be closed. Right now I feel this has been a more interesting read than the entirety of the front page.
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