The neck of Alexi/Roope's old Jacksons

Ohhhhhhh an ESP, sorry I thought you had a Jackson for a second when I wrote that!! Don't know why!!

And thanks srob, I'll check it out.
Ooops, I watched the video and I've got the wrong idea. I was expecting sometihng like Necromancer197666 had done to his RR24, not just taking the gloss off. But I'm going to do that tomorrow, looks good!
Triple post bitches!

I did it to my Jackson...WOW!! Feels so good, what an improvement!! I can't stop touchiing it. :lol:
They were finished. i believe the only guitar he has with a finished neck now is the 1st Scyth guitar he had(white)

Also, instead of sanding all the paint off your jackson, you can just take a really fine grit steel wool and rub the finish on the guitar to make it smoother, essentially making if feel like an unfinished neck, but without removing all the paint.

Heres a little video that can explain it alot better than I can

I was all excited to go and do this to my guitar and have the neck be much smoother and whatnot, and then I read the part where it says you'd have to redo it all the time. Still not that big of a deal, but after awhile you're going to reach the paint. I'd much rather just have an unfinished/satin neck guitar at this point :P