Nature lover
Forest sessions is the only Månegarm album i still listen to. I don't like their latest 2 releases that much.
It seems that Andreas much rather keeps us guessing about the new stylei know i wouldn't reveal such thing if i was him, and rather wanted it to be a surprise... i'm extremely curious as well but i would honestly prefer he wouldn't tell us about the style, pretty much for the same reason lefay doesn't read album reviews - i don't want to spoil the sweet impact of the first listen!
An acoustic album from Vintersorg would be great as well, but only as an addition to the "regular" one, not instead. I wouldn't want to wait another couple of years for a new release, only to find out it would be an acoustic one...
I totally agree with you, when i put my hands in the new album will be such a good experience to feel the new direction of the album.
" I don't like their latest 2 releases that much." whaaaaaaaaaaat?
A double album would be perfect, 1 disc 100% acoustic <3