The new pic thread

6 Stringed Fingers said:
It didn't have a strong image or message.
Thanks for the critique, i appreciate it!
About you Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood, same thing?

I agree, it doesn't have a great meaning, on my own i like it though because there's the dualism of the same person -me and me in the mirror- and the isle with the canvas, which is art, so even if took randomly turned out to be something ^^
Keyy said:
I agree, it doesn't have a great meaning, on my own i like it though because there's the dualism of the same person -me and me in the mirror- and the isle with the canvas, which is art, so even if took randomly turned out to be something ^^

I saw nothing of what you described... am I missing something?
6: The "dualism of the same person" is the pair of faces to the left and right (the dark shit). I'm still trying to figure out the rest, though. ;)

Edit: I think the "isle with the canvas" is that little dark rectangle at the top (in the middle of all the white). I suppose that pic has meaning for him because of personal reasons, because it doesn't really speak to me either (i think it could have been a much better pic with the right angle+light+zoom, although what the hell do i know about photography / ask Caro or WildFyr or Diana).
UHahuua yeah, it's exactly just two faces because of a mirror, but it's cool that are the same but look different, in which we can see a dualism if we wonna give it some kind of a meaning (which can be bullshit, but whatever :lol: )
The rest is just the border of the mirror, of the door or of the window, i've no idea either! And then the square thing is the isle with the canvas, but maybe i'm the only one that can see it because i took it ^^
Is it a little more clear?

Edit: Yeah, that's it! Yes, i guess i can see stuff in it just because it has a meaning for me..i didn't think about it, sorry ^^
Anyway i've no clue of photography either, i don't even know what the angle+light+zoom is, i've just stand in front of the mirror turning around while clicking the camera, i'm such a smarty eh?
Uh, and i'm a she, not a he ^^
Thanks for commenting and making me think about it!
My friend caught me playing domino on my way from work today.

Keyy said:
UHahuua yeah, it's exactly just two faces because of a mirror, but it's cool that are the same but look different, in which we can see a dualism if we wonna give it some kind of a meaning (which can be bullshit, but whatever :lol: )
The rest is just the border of the mirror, of the door or of the window, i've no idea either! And then the square thing is the isle with the canvas, but maybe i'm the only one that can see it because i took it ^^
Is it a little more clear?

Edit: Yeah, that's it! Yes, i guess i can see stuff in it just because it has a meaning for me..i didn't think about it, sorry ^^
Anyway i've no clue of photography either, i don't even know what the angle+light+zoom is, i've just stand in front of the mirror turning around while clicking the camera, i'm such a smarty eh?
Uh, and i'm a she, not a he ^^
Thanks for commenting and making me think about it!

Focus your lens, put it on a tripod, and add color to the canvas (or the entire picture) would help the others to recognize the subject of the image.
Keyy said:
Anyway i've no clue of photography either, i don't even know what the angle+light+zoom is, i've just stand in front of the mirror turning around while clicking the camera, i'm such a smarty eh?
Thanks for commenting and making me think about it!
Angle means the inclination and direction of the camera. Light means how much light there is (duh) and where it hits (i.e. the play between shadows and light, which can be very effective if used right). And please tell me you know what zoom is.

Oh, and 6 has a point there with the focus (which means that it's blurry and shouldn't be unless the blur is intentional).

Keyy said:
Uh, and i'm a she, not a he ^^
Whoops! Sorry, miss!

6 said:
add color to the canvas (or the entire picture)
Some photos look better in greyscale.
Thanks for the advices people. I knwo what angle,light and zoom are, i thought though that it was somekind of weird combination used in photography. Well, i used i digital camera that has no focus, and i took the picture randomly, but with your suggestions i'll try a pre-planned one with somebody's cool camera and trypod. I don't know about the colors though, i like the idea of havin only the canvas colored (if for canvas you mean the object in the picture), sounds interesting.
thanks guys! ^^
6 Stringed Fingers said:
This one doesn't look like one of them. And besides, colors can be used to emphasize the subject, be it the painter or the canvas.
This doesn't look like a picture that would look better with anything. :loco:

Keyy said:
Thanks for the advices people. I knwo what angle,light and zoom are, i thought though that it was somekind of weird combination used in photography.
Sorry, that was my mistake. I should have used 'and' instead of the plus sign.
Aww, damn, well I actually liked it maybe a little less blurry but still keep it unfocosed. Maybe shorten the exposure? If you don't know how to do that just tell me your camera model and I'll figure it out.
Keyy said:
Well, beside the fact that in my endless ignorance i don't know what a kudo is, i was just kidding ^^
I seriously apreciate critiques, cuz many people just say what they know i'd like to hear which sucks because useless
Kudos are points. I think we owe the name to a video-game called "Gotham racing", but i'm not sure.
Zack said:
Aww, damn, well I actually liked it maybe a little less blurry but still keep it unfocosed. Maybe shorten the exposure? If you don't know how to do that just tell me your camera model and I'll figure it out.
Canon Power Shot A400 3.2 mega pixels...enlight me...

Well, so thanks for the points UC

Uh i monopolyzed the thread ahuhua
I'm going to a zoo this Friday, so I will give a chimp my camera to take pictures.

So we can have "the worst photo ever" competition started, finally :heh:

Cuz I feel left out.
DragonLady1 said:
found an older one, dimmu borgir at earthshaker festival :lol:


I can't come up with a caption for this one :lol: But it's awesomethe quality and this priceless facial expression... :lol: oh, my... ubergrim :D