The new pic thread


More DT photos HERE !
Tritonus said:
Remember we talked about the alladin-pants:

You shouldn't expose yourself like that, plintus might....will get an erection. Nice outfit though, and interesting "look I'm a genie" posture.
UndoControl said:
Kudos are points. I think we owe the name to a video-game called "Gotham racing", but i'm not sure.
Kudos is/comes from Greek (ancient? methinks we need a Siren) and is a general word for praise at someone's actions/achievements.
RampageSword said:
You shouldn't expose yourself like that, plintus might....will get an erection. Nice outfit though, and interesting "look I'm a genie" posture.

Hahahaha, yeah. I know.... It's really cool. You can't walk though
Ughi does his magik:


there were 129 more and more than hour of video, including 30 minutes of this photosession :D
Another shot from yesternight's photosession.

I was fucking surprised by the camera perfomance, especially on the full-size shot: colors and lightening seem impeccable, even though we used very primitive lightning devices (2 IKEA stand lamps :D). Also - standard Rebel's lense, no retouching either, just some decreased quality of the image. We rule :)

Tritonus said:
Plintus: I believe that is the third picture I've seen of a yellow wall. How come you desided to use that colour?

Ughi painted all his shrine (room) walls in that color, was kinda controversial at first, but it worked out :) I guess he picked up such a warm color cuz his room was cold in winter :D

We use it as studio, it's bigger and has yellow walls.
Yeah... I can see why that's a good idea... in our house there is no clean walls... Just loads of paintings or windows or other wall furniture or maybe even leaning walls. I always have to put up cheats on the walls.