The new pic thread

I think Rampage is being too harsh. A little eyecream + makeup would go a long way. Not to talk about photoshop. It's just a bad picture.
I currently sleep 15 hours per day and i still feel sleepy the rest of the time, it must be the season.

While I see how I could use eyecream and makeup on a daily basis, I wouldn't know about real-life photoshop. :lol: I work two jobs too, when I'm lucky, and there's definitely not such a thing as sleeping too much on average.
While I see how I could use eyecream and makeup on a daily basis, I wouldn't know about real-life photoshop. :lol:.
Seriously now, you should at least start using eye-cream (and maybe face-cream too) if you don't already, you're just at the right age and you will thank yourself in the years to come.
Seriously now, you should at least start using eye-cream (and maybe face-cream too) if you don't already, you're just at the right age and you will thank yourself in the years to come.

Will everyone please stop reminding me that I'm old. :p
@Somber Soul: now that's a very nice idea :lol: how's your band called?

Thanks! I was a bit bored obviously (translate: not motivated to do any serious work). I did a lot of other quick manips on that day, too. Brushing up my Photoshop skills a bit. The band is called Times New Romance. Like the font, just a little bit different. :)

Well, yes. But people think of "Times New Roman" first, I guess, and this was what I was referring to with my statement. I am aware that there is indeed a font of the exact name.

@ Rahvin: And what's bad about being typecast? Just for the record: This name has existed since a time before that Emo band with the identical third word. But who is going to believe that? ;)
I promise you, I was just going for the pun. I don't really think you'll be typecast for any reason.

Nah, I got it the right way, don't worry. ;) And you bet we're typecast (because of the female vocs, that is): Nightwish has been mentioned a couple of times, although we are definitely NOT nightwishy.
Well, I guess then I will just imagine a sirenlike nympho while having fun with myself. I don't want to hear any complains from her later on that I don't ejaculate on a picture of her. :danceboy: