The new pic thread

If this indeed this was supposed to be a phallic symbol, we would have to label it, as the sex industry puts it, a "needle dick".

However, it looks a lot more like a candle than a penis so yes, you're a pervert.
@OF: i'm sure that even without cones or with just one of them, you'd still think dirty of it.

I was planning to post pictures of greek xmas sweets, but now i'm afraid that OF will liken the cellophane on them to condoms.
Here be the river that I cross every day to go to work. I take the bridge, which is not on this pic. I don't swim that thing.

I'd be in great shape, too. Even more than those who take their bike to go to work and ride so close to cars you'd think they want to die.
conchiglia is right :)
and it's "qualche", please don't use the k like too many italians do :p

Sorry, i really shouldnt since it's mostly a habit of communists, anarchists and similar fools :heh:

I used that to resemble that comic with headphones who used to appear in italian cabaret, answer to "quiz" questions and ask "ho vinto qualche cosa" without really pronouncing the "l".

Found it:


I dare you to google (for images) this text: ho vinto qualche cosa , it comes out something really niiiice :goggly:
Why is every tidbit of shameful Italian history so important to you? How do you expect non-Italians to reply to things they have no means of relating to? Sure, they might ask you about it each time, but the answer is not interesting enough and it'll soon be far easier to just ignore it.