The new pic thread

Thanks :)
It's like a pre-degree, an intermediate diploma, it concludes the basic studies, the first two years. I guess it's a german thing, with everyone very focused on the precious german diplom ;)
It's probably most comparable to a bachelor, without the bachelor thesis though. Now I can concentrate on my main studies! It feels pretty good to be able to focus on one thing and not being forced to look two ways anymore. :rock:
Sounds more like an associate's degree, not a bachelor's.

Sorry if I'm being pedantic. I'm bored at work.
@Dafne: thank you, my dear. :) many a good shall come your way for your nice words. ;)
for the rest, what master rahvin said*.

*at least everything before the first comma :p

@rahvin: :lol:
i should actually have posted this about a month ago...






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Why do American people like to write town names on hills? Are they all presbyopic or is it their obsession for big things?
Why do American people like to write town names on hills? Are they all presbyopic or is it their obsession for big things?
I think it has something to do with being able to identify towns from overhead?

Or, who knows, maybe it's the same reason all us Americans apparently like to wear skulls on our shirts. :rolleyes:
And what exactly is the use of that? Europeans have survived with normal road signs and GPS for centuries.

It's not as if you can read your GPS or a road sign from the sky, you silly! Neither you can a town name on a hill, unless you're close enough to crash, but don't let the fact that I don't know what I'm talking about stop you from considering my insight useful.
It's not as if you can read your GPS or a road sign from the sky, you silly! Neither you can a town name on a hill, unless you're close enough to crash
My bad, i didn't know american people had wings. ;) And i don't mean KFC wings.
Who care's if there is a hill with a name written on it? What other hill have you seen with a name on it beside Hollywood?

You guys sure do have a monopoly on intelligence in Italy, what with all the catholicism and such.