La Rocque
I am that I am
Why are you so mean spirited?why is everyone in the pic fat.
@suwat666, rock on my brother
Why are you so mean spirited?why is everyone in the pic fat.
Where the fuck is my credit for the picture?
You are sued, fuckface.
what if someone is unemployed because they have eg a mental illness?
Well said. I generally agree that being fat is partly a disciplinary problem (experiencing it myself when it comes to running), but it's not as easy as that. Losing weight takes a lot of discipline both when it comes to sport and your eating plan and it's easily ruined.just some questions that will hopefully make you think before you open your mouth next time. i generally like you, but your posts on this subject annoy me a lot. and for the record, in my eyes fat is a medical condition, voluntary or not.
So you assume that you would know it if someone was unemployed because of that? My bet is that you would just see an unemployed person.Isn't a mental illness an obvious medical condition?
Of course part of it is discipline and i'm glad to see we agree.Taliesin said:I generally agree that being fat is partly a disciplinary problem (experiencing it myself when it comes to running), but it's not as easy as that. Losing weight takes a lot of discipline both when it comes to sport and your eating plan and it's easily ruined.
So you assume you would know it if someone was unemployed because of that? My bet is that you would just see an unemployed person.
@Ughi: but who caused the chaos? that's what we want to know!
just partying.
you mean the place is messed up and it's not my fault this time???
losing weight is not so easy if you want to do it efficiently.
If you lose too many weight in a really short amount of time, chances are high that you will gain it again really fast.
I dont think that really hard diet is good. You have to learn to eat a bit of everything, but not too much, ( and not too often for candies and the likes).
And sport also helps.
this is actually not based on personal experience, but what i have learned with people i know, who have tried many diets and in the end, never really loss weight, because they gained it all again after.
You can eat more irresponsibly if you do a lot of running or cardio in general.
Ye naive fuck.