The new pic thread

wildfyr said:
opacity: Thanks. I'm glad you enjoyed the fox fotos. I don't know what the flower is either. I didn't research it before posting. Maybe it's a shrub and I've misplaced it. ??
nah, it's no shrub ;)

the fox rules, heh! : )
Nt3N: yer welcomez =)

Your Artemis shots are feckin cool as well. This one is a great action shot!


I really like this one, too.


opacity: i think you're right. it's a flower. or do you say fleur? :)

Back to band fotos... The DragonLady (Caro) should have posted this Nevermore image. I absolutely LUUUV IT! Such a great shot.


This one's really good too!


Keep the great pics coming, people!
Cool stuff, Caro! Thanks for the update. =)

I noticed you didn't take as many shots in Stockholm as you did in Salzburg. Was this because you've already taken several Nevermore fotos on this tour or was it due to some other reason? From my own experience I know that a venue's stage lighting can make a noticeable difference in live band shots. Based on what I can see in the fotos you've taken in your home country and at the German festivals, it would appear that the venues you visit most often have good professional lighting. I was wondering if you tend to limit the number of fotos you take if a venue's lighting factor isn't quite up to snuff? Also, do you have a favorite venue for band fotography and if so, what makes it your favorite place to shoot bands?

Sorry about all the questions. You don't have to answer them if you don't want to. I'm just in a curious mood right now, I guess. :) I'm really glad that you and others the world over are out there covering all the great band action and other exotic views. I'm really glad we have the Web so that we can all share our own little piece of the world with each other, too. Isn't it great to be a part of it? :tickled:
hey wild, I guess its what u said, that it depends very much on the light conditions as well... and in salzburg there was no photopit, what meant I could take pics all the show long but as well had to fight myself to the front. it was easy for mercenary and they had GREAT light there, so it turned out I took so many pics of them. I also try to take only the best, so I can limit a bit the space, I have 2GB but it seems that it wont be enough soon ;)
@wildfyr:WOW WOW WOW WOW!!!what a great pic,really!!!like so many others i've seen from you (and sometimes only too lazy to write it down!:p )
@Caro thx alot for all the pics you share with us!
@tinuviel (btw what does yr nick stand for?! :guh: )really a weird pic!
@dragonlady: definitely interesting ALL your posts! :bow:
@dafne: the nickname is taken from Luthien Tinuviel, an elven heroine in Tolkien's "Silmarillion"...;)
.:tInUvIeL:. said:
@dafne: the nickname is taken from Luthien Tinuviel, an elven heroine in Tolkien's "Silmarillion"...;)
oh i knew about Luthien but never known she was Luthien Tinuviel,but maybe i'm confusing characters a little bit...:err:

@Caro:i was in stockholm too last year for a couple of days and i really didnt want to go away from there,it's such a wonderful place!