The new pic thread

Nice series of pictures. The central reminds me of a person who wants to show off a bit, or is self-confident, but the smaller ones maybe represent the need to be protected, no matter which colour=mood, world, situation you find yourself.

Or it could be the other way round, the central being freedom, and the smaller ones various forms of good intentions to protect, but in the end to enslave.

I also had a religious association with the small ones, like standing in awe in front of something beyond myself, but I didnt find any meaning in connection with the central one.
have many pics of the rockhard festival online

and hm, he looks a bit like stanne

Funny facial expression ^^

Anyway, the series piece was about apparence. The big one shows just somebody showing himself, in a unproportioned body which means that there's no perfection and that we show things differently from what they are. The imperfections stay are there to make the statement in interrogative form.
The frontal person small one shows how we show ourselves and how others judjment affects us, the back one is how others see ourselves and how their judjment affects us. Then i switched the colors, recalling andy wharol style, showing them how we think we show ourselves and how others opinion affects us and how we think other see ourselves and how their opinion affects us. I hope i explained it clearily enough.
Thanks a lot for your opinions! Was really interesting! ^^
I didn't know you'd drawn those Key, that's awesome. They're good pieces. Do you mind me asking, were the imperfections I mentioned stylistically intentional?

Anyway, I know there's an art thread, but I'm gonna post this here, if rahv thinks this is too out of place, then he can move them... Which is lazy and mean of me, but whatever. I've been a good boy recently.

What follows is the product of boredom at work...

Tales of the Falamalagoriads:





get it?
Cute ^^
Glad to know you guys liked the piece! And yes, the imperfections you mentioned were stylistically intentional, and i was pleased to find out you noticed it. When i did the piece i was afraid it would just look like i didn't take the time to take care of that, so then i'm happy that it doesn't at least for somebody ^^
King Chaos said:
I didn't know you'd drawn those Key, that's awesome. They're good pieces. Do you mind me asking, were the imperfections I mentioned stylistically intentional?

Anyway, I know there's an art thread, but I'm gonna post this here, if rahv thinks this is too out of place, then he can move them... Which is lazy and mean of me, but whatever. I've been a good boy recently.

What follows is the product of boredom at work...

Tales of the Falamalagoriads:





get it?

Nice. Great command of English for an alien. :)