The News Thread

i never said its profound truth though.

Oh please, don't be pathetic.

But go right on ahead and keep posting articles from your "reliable" bi-partisan sources. Nobody notices bro, nobody at all. :lol: this guy is amazing.

More reliable than your memes.

Also, your "reliable sources" basically all come from horkheimer, adorno, alinsky, etc. The people who tried their hardest to ruin this country.

:lol: This guy is amazing.
yea me neither. I find them all to be clearly partisan, and not having cable for most of the last two years has helped too. Closest i get is sometimes i skim through some of the more bias sites like the hijacked and huffpo, but the comment sections in both of those places usually end up disgusting me.
I'm happy to debate the history of the Frankfurt School, but I doubt it will yield anything other than you calling me a brainwashed academic who swallowed the blue pill a long time ago.

Breitbart and whoever the fuck that British traditionalist is see Frankfurt thought as a conspiratorial plague on America wrought by a tiny group of left-wing intellectuals that fled Europe and set up shop here. Their rationale is driven by fear of communism, not by any demonstrable familiarity with Adorno, Marcuse, Gramsci, or any other Frankfurt Marxist.

By the time he wrote Dialectic of Enlightenment, it's questionable whether Adorno even thought a genuine communist revolution was possible. He didn't love Western culture, it's true--but that's because he was a sucker for classical music and modernist literature, and hated the celebrity-status culture of America. He wasn't exactly the champion of avant-garde politics.

Finally, the point of Frankfurt thought isn't to put an end to family or religion; do you know how many contemporary leftists are religious and have traditional families? The answer is "a fucking lot." It just doesn't make any sense how people can believe this tripe. Andrew Breitbart isn't an expert on the Frankfurt School or on its impact in American universities. He's actually sees the Frankfurt School as a group of evil invaders who infiltrated our culture to destroy it from within. The only thing more insane than his writing, in my opinion, is that people believe it.
I'm happy to debate the history of the Frankfurt School, but I doubt it will yield anything other than you calling me a brainwashed academic who swallowed the blue pill a long time ago.

Correct, as the following paragraph's once again proved that you just dont have the ability to look at things in any other way than what you were taught, sadly. Generalizing their statements in your own way and referring to facts as "conspiratorial" or "insane" was and is expected from people like you. Anyway, my mission here is accomplished. And so was theirs, thats why we have people with your mindset. You ARE the facts ;)
I doubt they check the registrations to make sure that businesses and vehicles are owned by white people before vandalizing them. And for what it's worth, minorities have their property damaged too.
Maybe where you're, anarchists and antifa specifically target what they believe are conservative, or oppressive businesses often spray painting their message clearly on the walls...and yeah...they often make judgement errors and vandalize minorities businesses as well. Antifa vandalized the army surplus store here, painting "war mongers" and "racists" etc...come to find out the owner was Asian lol. They smashed all the windows out of Starbucks downtown not realizing it was a franchise owned by a black woman. They are certainly costing people their livelihood here, thinking they're bringing social're absolutely correct- they don't check first.
Correct, as the following paragraph's once again proved that you just dont have the ability to look at things in any other way than what you were taught, sadly. Generalizing their statements in your own way and referring to facts as "conspiratorial" or "insane" was and is expected from people like you. Anyway, my mission here is accomplished. And so was theirs, thats why we have people with your mindset. You ARE the facts ;)

I didn't generalize their statements. I actually referred directly to their statements, because that's what adults in debates do. I didn't refer to all of them, if that's what you mean--but that's because doing so would require an extensive post detailing many things and specifying retorts, and I'm not going to do that if you've already decided not to consider me credible.

If you actually listened to their language, you'd hear the conspiratorial rhetoric too: that the Frankfurt group attacked Western culture for the express purpose of destroying it, that they saw capitalism was winning in the West and were determined to fight back, that they attacked the foundational element of Western culture itself... This is conspiratorial rhetoric. It's born of fear, not of intellectual engagement with what the Frankfurt writers actually wrote. Nowhere in those interviews do either of them demonstrate any extensive knowledge of actual writings by the Frankfurt School. They don't quote them, nor do they even summarize arguments of specific texts.

These people are not presenting you with the truth, they're presenting you with a highly prejudiced, polemical, and strategic rhetorical rejection of the Frankfurt School. You laugh at me because you think I'm brainwashed, but I seriously cannot fathom how you don't question any of this based on what I'm telling you. It's too bad we can't have a real discussion, since you're clearly not informed enough in this area to actually have one.

Also, you do know that Andrew Breitbart is dead right? "he isn't" "he sees". Oh and the irony in leftist kooks calling his writing insane. Oh dear gods lmao

It's called the perfect present tense. It's used frequently in academic writing to discuss issues of continuing consequence. For example, if I cite literary critic Hugh Kenner in an essay, who died in 2003, I would say "In his essay on Joyce, Kenner argues that..." Even though Kenner's dead, I don't frame the argument in the past tense. Seeing as this is a habit academic writers cultivate, and I was trying to deal with this situation in an academic manner, I chose to use the perfect present.

Not that I'm saying Breitbart is as smart as Hugh Kenner. Oh, I'm sorry--was.

It's lame that you have to criticize me for little things like apparently not realizing that someone was dead instead of the content of my post.
I'm not informed enough? Are you serious? You dont remember when i literally crushed you on this same subject and almost made you flip out a few years ago? Schooled you on every single name we mentioned? That is why i dont really care to delve into topics like this that you clearly cant take your goggles off for. Im not even going to bother reading the rest of your bullshit when you literally accuse me of such a thing. Now i can also refer to you as a liar.
Right now Hispanics are liberals "best friends" long as they shut up and pretend they're not Catholic openly, and vote Democratic everything is fine. A white Catholic is labeled a fundamentalist bigot on the other hand. Liberals want Hispanics to live in the shadows in a equally oppressive way, will eventually turn on them, and are never honest about these conflicts of interest- they trail off, dodge the subject and never fully explain the hypocrisy.
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Right now Hispanics are liberals "best friends" long as they shut up and pretend they're not Catholic openly, and vote Democratic everything is fine. A white Catholic is labeled a fundamentalist bigot on the other hand. Liberals want Hispanics to live in the shadows in a equally oppressive way, will eventually turn on them, and are never honest about these conflicts of interest- they trail off, dodge the subject and never fully explain the hypocrisy.

true liberals look at minorities as nothing more than a stepping stone. That's pretty much a well known fact. They use the "we care" line and the more gullible morons like that twat just lap that shit up.
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I don't agree at all that white people are fired "quite often" because of leftists.

I didn't just say fired and I didn't just say white people, but I could spam you with examples though I doubt it would change your mind.

Anybody who doesn't accept that the left are being authoritarians lately is to me just a fucking idiot. I'm sorry.
Feminists in Australia campaigned to have Grand Theft Auto 5 pulled from store shelves and succeeded in the case of certain companies, examples are everywhere.
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Healthy and attractive people are next on the chopping block. Maybe they can get someone hunky like Clooney to speak out against attractive people...