The News Thread

My favorite Politifact is the one about a homeless guy that was told to leave a park bench by a cop, the hobo then stealing the cop's baton and beating him with it, causing the cop to shoot the guy. Hillary Clinton said the cop shot an unarmed man, Politifact rated it "Mostly True" because the hobo was unarmed at one point.

Politifact is garbage, and even if it wasn't, its format (snippets chosen to be evaluated arbitrarily rather than procedurally) makes it an inherently flawed website to begin with.
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It's a reduction of multiple sources to arrive at a general assessment of a particular issue. It may not be an informed or analytical source, but it's not really concealing anything.

And even if it is, believing that The Federalist is somehow less biased is willful ignorance.
It's a reduction of multiple sources to arrive at a general assessment of a particular issue. It may not be an informed or analytical source, but it's not really concealing anything.

And even if it is, believing that The Federalist is somehow less biased is willful ignorance.

No it's not. If its purpose was to determine accuracy issue-by-issue, its format would to be to list by issue, and then provide representative quotations from each politician. Instead it compiles quotations from politicians in an unsubscribed manner, and then slaps some issue-related tag on top of it.
Doesn't matter, it's obviously biased, because Martin Luther King ended racism. I'm the least racist person ever and I don't even see race, I have piles and piles of black friends, and I trust them more than anyone else to shine my shoes. Things were going fine until that Kenyan-born socialist Barack Hussein Obongo started riling up the blacks, so now they're all chimping out about "Black Lives Matter." Like I said, I'm not racist, the libtard dummycrats are the real racists, they invented the KKK!

HRC flips meaning in 1984:

"Attempted to define reality is a core feature of authoritarianism. This is what the Soviets did when they erased political dissidents from historical photos. This is what happens in George Orwell's classic novel "Nineteen Eighty-Four," when a torturer holds up four fingers and delivers electric shocks until his prisoner see five fingers as ordered. The goal is to make you question logic and reason and to sow mistrust toward exactly the people we need to rely on: our leaders, the press, experts who seek to guide public policy based on evidence, ourselves."
I'm so sick of people using Nineteen Eighty-Four as the go-to example for all our woes and to explain what's happening in politics today. It's a fine book, but it's not about today--it's about mid-twentieth-century totalitarianism. People can say what they want, Trump's not a totalitarian. He's a demagogue, which can certainly lead to totalitarianism, but doesn't have to. Making the comparison to Orwell is premature fear-mongering, and it shows in bad explications of the book (like that one).
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Lefty publications (guardian, huffington, vox, etc) are piles of horseshit. I have a disgusted sneer every time I read an article by those shitstain asswipes

Especially when they try to add "humanity" like telling a sob story from the pov of a refugee. I want to vomit on the writer's face. "Ahmed woke up to the sound of explosions and his father was lying motionless on the ground" DONT GIVE A FLYING FUCK
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We're going through a informational Cold War in America right now...believing any news sources is pretty iffy. Unbiased news is almost a farce.
I'm sure you've seen it, but you're still using anecdotes. There are studies that show evidence of systemic bias against black people when it comes to hiring, and that carries more weight:

If we're using anecdotes though, the recent legal issues at Uber and Fox News show that sexual harassment is still a problem, which is why we have these HR policies you hate in the first place. You just choose to ignore one side of the problem.

Like I said, I have many more stories. Too many to elaborate. But they all have the same end result: Minorities/women get away with a lot more these days than your average male cracker.

Obviously, these HR policies are band-aids simply put in place to protect the company from liabilities regarding sex, race, religion. And while no doubt black people, as a whole, have experienced racism in hiring (and women, and every other group except white dudes if you worship HuffPo), these policies are just another example of two wrongs don't make a right.

Seriously, do people not see the double standard, or do they just not give a shit? (that's rhetorical, btw).

RE: sexual harassment, women are just as guilty as men. I've had women (a black one, no less) sit on my lap at work. I've had another flash a tit. I've had another text naked photos. Yes, more anecdotes, but I'm sure I'm not the only White Guy In Power that experiences these things. Yet, if I were to act on any of them (and yes, sometimes I regret not taking advantage), I'd be the one in more trouble.

You can site all the studies you want, but the fact remains all these policies, that I'm sure help other ethnic groups, are built against (mostly white) Men In Power. Why? When I've posited the question (secretly, of course) to equals, subordinates, and even superiors, I typically get something along these lines: "Generally, white guys have had it good for so long, no one bats an eye when one is wronged." I knew the answer. I just wanted someone to say it.
I work for myself with a partner just to avoid all this bullshit...more money, less stress with nothing but my work to speak for itself. Thankfully the construction world still hasn't been ruined by liberal injustice seekers...yet. They're trying, but completing a project on time isn't liberals' high point- nor is swinging a hammer or shovel so thankfully there's no time for "games" in my world...and when that changes I'll be ready to phase out of construction. Except you philosophers, I usually avoid all political talk in public. In this city you can't leave the house without someone trying to lure you into a liberal rant, or ask you for spare change...
I got a white buddy named Jerome...I'm gonna ask him if he ever got shit on because someone mistook his name for being black...he'll think I'm fucking with him