The upper-class abuse the system far more than poorer minorities. If you're wealthy, you can afford doctors to diagnose your children with a hundred learning disabilities, give them all 150% time on exams, give them special exam-taking classes in high school that no lower class schools have access to, lawyers at their disposal whenever one of them breaks any law, special disability privileges when someone breaks the law severely (e.g. DUI and affluenza), literal European whites that earn minority status because their Spanish/Portuguese surname lets them check a box, white Jews that choose when they are white and when they are Jewish on a whim, etcetc. When poor blacks get into a college they're maybe not technically qualified for, worst case scenario they drop out and waste time and money for the gain of nothing more than the smug satisfaction of liberal whites "helping the underprivileged". When rich whites play the system, they graduate with fancy pieces of paper that qualify them for management/political positions to further the scam.
That's why I don't really have apathy towards poorer minorities as long as they aren't committing crimes, because living on welfare with a devalued high school diploma is no way to live, and just keeps them in a bubble that will never effect me personally beyond slightly higher taxes. The white-black gap, whether we're talking about criminality, poverty, health, or anything else, is basically no better now than it was in the 1970s. The efforts to fix deficits in privilege have accomplished jack shit. Upper-class politically-entrenched whites should be killed by the thousands, however, for what they're doing to the country.