The News Thread

Well, I'm not anti-Muslim or anything, I just wish people would stop being so opportunist about shootings and shit.

When it's a white dude it's all "gun control and white privilege" but when it's a Muslim the same people are shouting "NotAllMuslims" and it just pisses me off.
Be even handed in your criticisms or go die.
I'm anti-Islam in some respects and I think that's a distinction with a difference.
Just like I'm anti-Christianity but have nothing against Christians, or anti-veganism or anti-feminism but some of my closest friends are vegan and feminist.

To the play the victim part, do you blame them? We've allowed a victim culture to breed and spread, why wouldn't Muslims take advantage of it? Everyone else does.
Can you imagine what this board would be like right now if it were Leroy Herbert Jones and Paddie May Jones with ASSAULT RIFLES bought at gunshows and wearing "Make America Great Again" hats? We'd be 20 pages deep into a Mort "I told you so" thread by now.

At first, Dorothy Vong assumed it was a drill -- just like all the others at her work. At the Inland Regional Center, where she’s a nurse, the staff works with clients and parents of clients who are sometimes angry. They have active-shooter drills every month or so. “Drill started,” she texted her husband, Mark, around 11 a.m. She walked to a window nearby and filmed a video as law enforcement sprinted toward the building.
And then a few minutes later, another message: “We’re in a locked office.” Mark Vong said he told his wife to stay calm and not to panic. “They train for this,” he said, standing outside a police barricade Wednesday afternoon. “They know it’s going to happen.

Conspirosphere goin wild.

Tarifi said American Muslims are accustomed to being targeted and scapegoated whenever violent Islamic extremists commit attacks.

"Every Muslim worries about being victimized," he said.

I know that feel bro.
The gun blaming started before the suspects were caught/shot. NM that Cali has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country, and I think I read they bought them in Cali.

Not even gonna go there.

Do you even own a gun?

I plan on buying one as quickly as possible, but read what Dak said. When the shooter is white, they blame the shooter. When the shooter is off-white, guns/NRA is blamed. It is quickly becoming tiresome and if you are blind to this fact, I cannot help you unfortunately.
The gun blaming started before the suspects were caught/shot. NM that Cali has some of the most restrictive gun laws in the country, and I think I read they bought them in Cali.


Why does the restrictiveness matter? They could have purchased them anywhere and simply taken them back to their home. The important part is the fact that they were armed to the teeth and killed 14 people. That's a country-wide cultural allowing that to happen not a state-wide culture.

I plan on buying one as quickly as possible, but read what Dak said. When the shooter is white, they blame the shooter. When the shooter is off-white, guns/NRA is blamed. It is quickly becoming tiresome and if you are blind to this fact, I cannot help you unfortunately.

:lol: I knew you didn't you dork. What, are you afraid they're gonna take your guns that you don't presently own but plan to in the future because it's your second amendment rights and this world is so dangerous? What kind of gun do you want to own? And if you say a pistol I'll drive to Cincy and slap the fuck out you.

Who is "they" first off, and secondly why should I get a shit what "they" say?

We don't even know why they shot up the place yet. I find it highly ironic and hypocritical for you to sit there and get all offended that guns are being blamed for this incident because they're Muslim. You're doing the same thing man, just replacing guns with Muslims. Not all Muslims are murderers. Not all gun owners are murderers. Guns aren't inherently bad and obviously don't fire themselves, a person has to pull the trigger. Them's the facts we're working with right now, nothing more. Outside opinion or sentiment means dick so stop playing that bullshit card.
