The "non-metal" You Tube video thread...

For industrial/aggroelectro/EBM, my favorite by far is COMBICHRIST. They're on tour right now. They played St Paul on Tuesday night and this song blew out the power. They managed to kill the power 3 more times that night. The subs were cranked and pulsing at a level I've never come close to feeling before. One of the funnest shows I have ever been too!

Hey guys - off topic, but since CC came up in this thread. I have been in touch with those guys, and some of them live in Atlanta. HW is considering hiring them to do a remix of "Blind Eyes To The Sky", they've agreed to do it. It's fairly pricey, and although I love industrial and think it would be killer, we're trying to make a business case for it. Opinions?
My god you guys love some awesome off the wall music![/QUOTE]

E6 are one of those bands that you can't take seriously, you have to grin as you listen to them, but they're all killer players. If you want to check them out, start with Fire, Senor Smoke, and I Will Exterminate....

They put on one of the best live shows of any band I've seen, and I probably play them more than almost anyone on my iPod.
Post only a SINGLE non-metal video from an album that you are currently enjoying. Let's stretch our wings a bit in this thread.

From the vastly under-appreciated comeback album "For My Friends," this is Blind Melon's "Wishing Well.

I was overjoyed when I heard about a comeback tour and record. Was a great show when they played, Travis is a great singer but I don't think he handled touring well. Last I heard they are looking for another singer.
Here's one recorded by me from a band called Abney Park, acoustic version of the song "Stigmata Martyr" (song actually starts at 1:10 or so). Recorded at Dragon*Con this past year; the high-quality version is FAR superior of course.....

Also non-metal and recorded at the same event, The Cruxshadows (with Ego Likeness guesting) with "Marilyn My Bitterness" recorded in front and then from ON the stage..needless to say it was the last song of their set. Same disclaimer about the low-res version. :)

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Hey guys - off topic, but since CombiChrist came up in this thread. I have been in touch with those guys, and some of them live in Atlanta. HW is considering hiring them to do a remix of "Blind Eyes To The Sky", they've agreed to do it. It's fairly pricey, and although I love industrial and think it would be killer, we're trying to make a business case for it. Opinions?

Wow, that's cool that you're working with Andy. He's really "turned it up a notch" since the first time I saw him perform at Dragon*Con, and he's becoming an established name in the industrial/remix scene.

Besides, he's from Norway. This makes him automagically cool in that "frozen icestorms and wintermoons" kinda way. (And I think he said he knows the guys in Immortal, too. :kickass: )
Hey guys - off topic, but since CC came up in this thread. I have been in touch with those guys, and some of them live in Atlanta. HW is considering hiring them to do a remix of "Blind Eyes To The Sky", they've agreed to do it. It's fairly pricey, and although I love industrial and think it would be killer, we're trying to make a business case for it. Opinions?
Wow! Well hell yeah, do it! That's nothing to snuff at, if you can get Andy to remix your song, that would be worth it I think. Then again, I might be ignoring the fact that there isn't much crossover between Cc and HW fans. In other words, how many of your existing fans would like an industrial remix, and how many Combichrist fans are going to be interested in a metal band? So I don't know how much new exposure you'll get from the business deal, but personally I'd do it anyway! One of my favorite songs is a Cc remix, but the band (Mindless Self Indulgence) has a strong shared fanbase with Cc. If you do it, you've got at least one fan because I don't know anyone else who could do a better remix for ya! Well... besides Klay Scott of Celldweller.

Wow, that's cool that you're working with Andy. He's really "turned it up a notch" since the first time I saw him perform at Dragon*Con, and he's becoming an established name in the industrial/remix scene.

The show last week was (apparently) one of the most well-attended shows at that venue in a long time. After doing his 3rd U.S. tour in less than 2 years, packing venues, remixing everybody and their brother, and having over 3.7 million plays chalked up on, I'd say he's doing good too! I have fun at nearly every live show I attend, but I'm hard to impress (I think most of us here are just because we've seen so many top-notch performances), yet Combichrist just blew me away. I'd love to see another show on the tour, otherwise he can't come back soon enough! Paul, you be sure that if they get scheduled for Dragon*Con again, I will be there with stomping boots on! :lol:

Besides, he's from Norway. This makes him automagically cool in that "frozen icestorms and wintermoons" kinda way. (And I think he said he knows the guys in Immortal, too. :kickass: )
Everyone remember the Techno-viking? Even he likes Combichrist!
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Okay i have another, this is a band i have loved since I discovered them in 1996, I have all their releases, and have seen them 4 times live , they are really awesome live.

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This is for the oldtimers .. when music was simple. All you needed was a guy with a guitar, and some killer lyrics. I give you the great ... Gordon Lightfoot. I still reach for this stuff on occasion.
Nick and I were just looking at this video the other week. Good stuff.

Very different from Gordon Lightfoot, but if you like horror punk (with a little ska) here's one of my favorites - The Independents!

This band is so much fun live!
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Hmm... I've got a few that you guys might like:

Rise Against - Re-Education (Through Labor)

The Birthday Massacre - Looking Glass

Flobots - Handlebars

D'Mite - Read a Book
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This is for the oldtimers .. when music was simple. All you needed was a guy with a guitar, and some killer lyrics. I give you the great ... Gordon Lightfoot. I still reach for this stuff on occasion.
Fucking love this song. For months I have wanted to record my own epic-GnR-style metal ballad cover of this tune.

Hmm... I've got a few that you guys might like:

The Birthday Massacre
love this band. I have no idea why, this isn't usually stuff that appeals to me, but I somehow got turned on to them about 3 years ago and thought it was nice.

I have no idea how to embed a youtube video in my post, so I won't be able to contribute much to this thread, but go to youtube and look up Complete. You may remember this from about 2 years ago when someone posted it.

Its not metal, its not rock, its not fact, its not even music!!!:lol: (if you remember Complete, you'll understand what I mean)
Paul, you be sure that if they get scheduled for Dragon*Con again, I will be there with stomping boots on! :lol:

This is actually fairly possible. I'm also "knocking on the door" on behalf of Faith and the Muse.

love this band [Birthday Mssacre]. I have no idea why, this isn't usually stuff that appeals to me, but I somehow got turned on to them about 3 years ago and thought it was nice.

I like B-Day Masacre too and they're well beyond my normal range (my vids of Cruxshadows and Abney Park notwithstanding). Great live show, too, and they're cool folks.

I have no idea how to embed a youtube video in my post, so I won't be able to contribute much to this thread,

If you copy and paste the embedding text from a YouTube vid, the UM software will automagically handle the rest.

but go to youtube and look up Complete. You may remember this from about 2 years ago when someone posted it.

Its not metal, its not rock, its not fact, its not even music!!!:lol: (if you remember Complete, you'll understand what I mean)

% Won't get fooled againnnnnn %

Another video. This time from my favorite pop group (at least outside the US anyway). I saw them in Boston several years ago and it was one of the best shows I've been to.

Instrumental piece:

Regular song:

If you copy and paste the embedding text from a YouTube vid, the UM software will automagically handle the rest.

Don't even need to copy that part. Just copy and paste the youtube url from your browser and UM will take care of that as long as the embedding is enabled.
Which is almost annoying if you don't want it to be embedded if the option is removed on youtube's end. There is the option to uncheck the "Automatically embed media" here but if you want to embed one but not another.......
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The very definition of odd....

Hailing from Slovenia I present to you the band Laibach.


And of course the boys from Akron, Ohio: Devo

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Shane Pruitt Band from Spartanburg - this guy's a great blues player - seen them a number of times in local clubs in Spartanburg.

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