The Non RC Staff 2004 Top 10 list


Nov 19, 2001
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Ok, just for comparisons sake to the RC offical staff's list, why not everyone else put their top 10 on this thread, and I'll rate it using Mr Keeley's format. With the results, we can compare to the official RC list, hence getting a totally realistic view of the Royal Carnage Board's favorites.

Im not trying to steal RC's thunder- as i think they did a good job making teir selections based on their tastes and expertise- I'm just curious what the non Rc list would look like.

If you dont post here regularly, I am not counting your list.
1. Drudkh - Autumn aurora
2. The Chasm - The spell of retribution
3. Bloodbath - Nightmares made flesh
4. Amon Amarth - Fate of norns
5. Nasheim - Evighet/Undergång
6. Graveland - Dawn of iron blades
7. Morrigan - Celts
8. Dark Fortress - Stab wounds
9. Amaran - Pristine in bondage
10. Horn of Valere - Blood of the heathen ancients
I'm curious about that Bloodbath, but I really disliked Resurrection Through Carnage so I'm quite skeptical.
I didn't even buy 10 new albums this year :p again! But more than previous years, making this year rather shithot for me!

1. DragonForce - Sonic Firestorm
2. BLAZE - Blood & Belief
3. Intense - Second Sight
4. Death Angel - The Art Of Dying
5. Megadeth - The System Has Failed
6. Leviathan - The Tentacles Of Whorror
7. Vader - The Beast

The last two are so low because I have only listened to them once each. Been meaning to get back to Leviathan, totally forgot about Vader...
This list will probably have tripled by this time next year. I have about 20-odd 2003 albums now and barely had enough to make a Top 5 list last year :loco:
The Glourious Burden is this year's St Wanker, or more appropriately We've Come For You All, as an album I own but cannot bring myself to place on a Top 10 list to make up the numbers down to its incredible suckyness.
speed said:
Im not trying to steal RC's thunder- as i think they did a good job making teir selections based on their tastes and expertise- I'm just curious what the non Rc list would look like.
I think this is a fair idea - indeed, I encourage it - however, if I were you, I would only rank against the lists as provided by regulars. If you start including people who just dropped by to provide their top 10, then it will skew the results (particularly if you want something overall to reflect this forum perhaps).
Doomcifer said:
Horn of Valere eh? What do they sound like? Im interested.
The band used to be called Basiliskk and is an american black metal band. It is a compilation of the Basilissk demo minus one song, plus the Horn of Valere demo, including a cover of Bathory's "Call from the grave". 66 minutes of glorious epic metal. The Basilissk tracks are a bit faster and more to my liking. A rough description of the style would be the Amon Amarth of black metal, with longer songs, slightly simpler melodies, less vocals.
I"ll also come back on this one.

Battlefields will be on it for sure and I'm giving Old Man Gloom some serious thought . Probably Reclusiam as well.

I just need to hear Graveland and then I'll make the decision.
Tranquillian said:
The band used to be called Basiliskk and is an american black metal band. It is a compilation of the Basilissk demo minus one song, plus the Horn of Valere demo, including a cover of Bathory's "Call from the grave". 66 minutes of glorious epic metal. The Basilissk tracks are a bit faster and more to my liking. A rough description of the style would be the Amon Amarth of black metal, with longer songs, slightly simpler melodies, less vocals.
That sounds interesting. Thanks a lot. I am going to have to check into them now.
Point taken Mr Keeley, I think that is really the only way one can do it. Honestly I think the results should be about the same. I know there is a good mix of prog, thrash, black, and doom fans--just like the RC staff.
speed said:
Point taken Mr Keeley, I think that is really the only way one can do it. Honestly I think the results should be about the same. I know there is a good mix of prog, thrash, black, and doom fans--just like the RC staff.
Yeah, I'm definitely curious to see what the end result is. This forum dictates what I listen to more than anything else, whether it be magazines, promos, etc. so I'm sure there are even more recommendations to come.
OK!!! Here is the list to end all lists. I DID NOT include certain 2003 releases (Blut Aus Nord would have been #1), and I haven't heard the new Enslaved. Nonetheless, here it is.:lol:

1) Crowpath – Red on Chrome
This is the album that makes me want to bleed. This is the album that makes me shove pencils in my ears while screaming in ecstasy. This album is the future of both tech-metal and noisecore.

2) Dillinger Escape Plan – Miss Machine
Not only by my admission, but by many other critics’, ’Miss Machine’ has already gone down as a rebirth of Faith No More’s masterpiece, ‘Angel Dust’. Is it that good? Possibly . . . but only time will tell.

3) Mastodon – Leviathan
Mastodon is so good at what they do they make ‘Leviathan’ sound like a walk in the park. Make no mistake, though; ‘Leviathan’ is a brilliant achievement in progressive metal unlike anything else.

4) Isis – Panopticon
This is the type of album that can lull you into a trance deep enough to make you forget how magnificent the album really is. On many levels, this album is WAY above the competition.

5) Old Man Gloom – Christmas
While OMG is admittedly a less than serious project, ‘Christmas’ holds more surprises than St. Nick himself. The biggest surprise is that OMG can actually write brilliant cohesive songs amongst all that amazing noise.

6) Neurosis – The Eye of Every Storm
A legend in top form. Another transition for a band that has never stagnated. ‘The Eye of Every Storm’ isn’t trying to out-do the competition . . . because there is none.

7) Hearse – Armageddon Mon Amour
This is the surprise of 2004 for me. If you missed this one, you missed an amazing melding of early Entombed and Iron Maiden . . . with a little extra groove thrown in for the ladies. This truly is a deliriously fun album.

8) Anaal Nathrakh – Domine Non Es Dignus
If I had this one longer than I have so far, it might be a little higher in the list. Nonetheless, Anaal Nathrakh’s attempt at expanding the scope of their filth has succeeded. This band can no longer be labeled a one trick pony.

9) Converge – You Fail Me
I have a feeling this one will take more than a year to really grow on me. However, it is still good enough to make me stop and concentrate 100% every time I hear it. ‘Jane Doe’ was an all out blitz to the skull, but ‘You Fail Me’ is like a dark shroud over an entire city.

10) Void of Silence – Human Antithesis
Another great surprise for 2004. This album continues to get better, and I’ve had it for almost a year. I’m not a fan of some of the European style of epic doom, but this is so unique and intriguing I just can’t ignore it.

11) Damnation – Destructo Evangelia

12) Mare – S/T

13) Pig Destroyer – Terrifyer

14) Meshuggah – I

15) Tusk – Tree of No Return

16) PsyOpus – Ideas of Reference

17) Grails – Redlight

18) Ludicra – Another Great Love Song

19) Mono – Walking Cloud and Deep Red Sky, Flag Fluttered and the Sun Shined

20) Morgion – Cloaked by Ages, Crowned in Earth

21) Today is the Day – Kiss the Pig

22) Nehemah – Requiem Tenebrae

23) Fantomas – Delirium Cordia

24) Darkthrone – Sardonic Wrath

25) Hopesfall – A Types
Nate The Great said:
2) Dillinger Escape Plan – Miss Machine
Not only by my admission, but by many other critics’, ’Miss Machine’ has already gone down as a rebirth of Faith No More’s masterpiece, ‘Angel Dust’. Is it that good? Possibly . . . but only time will tell.

Suuuuuurrre it is.
the top 10 (ranking does not matter)
1. Fates Warning - FWX
2. Orphaned Land - Mabool
3. Wastefall - Soulrain 21
4. Colour Haze - s/t
5. The Hidden Hand - Mother Teacher Destroyer
6. Ayreon - The Human Equation
7. Ufomammut - Snailking
8. Mastodon - Leviathan
9. Neurosis - The Eye Of Every Storm
10. Lamented Souls - The Origins Of Misery
2 "honorable mentions" that could be in the top 10:
Witchraft - s/t
Isis - Panopticon
One Inch Man said:
I'm curious about that Bloodbath, but I really disliked Resurrection Through Carnage so I'm quite skeptical.
Then you won't like the new one either. Good album, but maybe not for you.