The Norwegian Thread

Okey, Knarfi, here's my attempt on Doedskvad III:

Doedskvad (Deathsquad EDIT: DEATH POEM) III

The great White-tailed Eagle
The fisherman
The life that swarms in the night
Full murder alarm
Death stroke
Everything or nothing
The autumn brought their shame so often
A flirt with death
Licked feet
Death kisses are hanging from cord lines in the attic
Rape of the roots of life
Keep the vision and the blade sharp
Keep ears and arteries open
Keep your head and heart cold
Dare to be bare
When you meet yourself alone
To finally feel something again
Let the Devil touch you
The pain is prince
The Death is the king


Du vet, kvad er definert i bokmålsordlista som "høytidelig dikt", eller "norrønt dikt", tror ikke det kan bli mye annet enn "poem"
Okey, Knarfi, here's my attempt on Doedskvad II:

Doedskvad (Deathsquad EDIT: DEATH POEM) II

The great White-tailed Eagle
The fisherman
The life that swarms in the night
Full murder alarm
Death stroke
Everything or nothing
The autumn brought their shame so often
A flirt with death
Licked feet
Death kisses are hanging from cord lines in the attic
Rape of the roots of life
Keep the vision and the blade sharp
Keep ears and arteries open
Keep your head and heart cold
Dare to be bare
When you meet yourself alone
To finally feel something again
Let the Devil touch you
The pain is prince
The Death is the king


awesome, thanks alot mayun :kickass:
that's awesome! I started learning norsk in the summer but once school started I stopped. I gotta get back into it. maybe we can help each other by practicing dialogues and stuff.

bare bra, takk! vil du gjerne reise til Norge?
that's awesome! I started learning norsk in the summer but once school started I stopped. I gotta get back into it. maybe we can help each other by practicing dialogues and stuff.

bare bra, takk! vil du gjerne reise til Norge?

Med tanke på at jeg allerede bor her, så tror jeg ikke det kommer til å skje:mad:

I Sovjet Russland, baller snusen DEG.