It's my own theory, although I have been known as one to overanalyse! True or not though it works for me.Did you actually hear someone from the band say this or is it your own theory?
It's my own theory, although I have been known as one to overanalyse! True or not though it works for me.Did you actually hear someone from the band say this or is it your own theory?
Okay : ) Yeah anyway he hasn't said anything about that for sure.
Even if it was true, Russel has always had a way of doing aggressive vocals before PL, but it was different, and a lot better in my opinion.
The Odyssey has plenty of harsher vocals but they are very well done and sound a lot more convincing than on PL.
I just listened to The Odyssey all the way through a bit ago. There is so much maturity felt in the songs it's amazing. And I don't see anything wrong with the lyrics at all. Also Romeo's solos are still creative and full of emotion.
The biggest thing that stood out to me though, was how amazing Russel's vocals are on The Odyssey. His style seems perfected, which makes me absolutely shocked and saddened to hear his vocals on PL and Iconoclast (live 3 songs). His new vocals are so amateur it's just dumbfounding. Someone who has a distinct style and a great voice suddenly changes to sound more like someone on American Idol. I have no idea what happened other than Russel just running out of ideas. Which in that case, he isn't really to blame.
I just think it's such a bad move. It's like he started over with his voice and song writing skills.
Nearly every aspect of Paradise Lost is lacking when compared to The Odyssey to me. Though I agree with what some people have said in regards to PL being better than most music these days. While true, I still cannot enjoy the album personally.
His new vocals are so amateur it's just dumbfounding. Someone who has a distinct style and a great voice suddenly changes to sound more like someone on American Idol. I have no idea what happened other than Russel just running out of ideas. Which in that case, he isn't really to blame.
I just think it's such a bad move. It's like he started over with his voice and song writing skills.
Mathiäs;9740657 said:The Odyssey, despite being inferior to V or other earlier works, is my favorite album of all time. PL ranks pretty low in how it stacks up to their whole discography in my opinion. Despite that, it's still better than 99% of all other music.
If anything, Russell Allen's voice has only gotten better since the 'classic' trilogy. I don't think anyone in the genre has a better set of pipes. It's more what he chooses to sing than his skill level that bothers people. I would agree that in DWoT he sounds not amateur but not as good as on PL, where he's just phenomenal. But I still prefer his singing on DWoT because what he's singing is way more interesting. Was there anything on PL that even came close to the vocal entry, "There was a time, when choirs sang the endless melody...etc."? Nah.
Was there anything on PL that even came close to the vocal entry, "There was a time, when choirs sang the endless melody...etc."? Nah.
I love that part! It's so emotional, Russ' singing,with the piano and guitar playing parts of the awesome main theme behind. I especially love the 5/4 bars; Pinnella's (as always) godlike piano playing coming through, and Romeo playing that beautiful arpeggio. Just fabulous. I prefer the live version of Divine though; the build-up in studio is too fast,unlike live which has more "space". At the same time I think the rest of the studio version is too slow. So,live ftw![]()
I have to disagree with this line of thinking.
The singer has to sell the story for it to be believable.
If you are singing as satan, and remember that satan is angry, then you have to take on that role.
I view Paradise Lost as being a very theatrical album and the harshness of most of the music reflects the tone of the poem and of the anger satan feels towards man. It only makes sense for Russell's voice to reflect that anger. He is, after all, playing a dark role. The whole album has a sense of menace to it, and the dark vocals just add to the intensity and rage. Honestly, I would almost compare it more to rock opera in a sense.
I love that part! It's so emotional, Russ' singing,with the piano and guitar playing parts of the awesome main theme behind. I especially love the 5/4 bars; Pinnella's (as always) godlike piano playing coming through, and Romeo playing that beautiful arpeggio. Just fabulous. I prefer the live version of Divine though; the build-up in studio is too fast,unlike live which has more "space". At the same time I think the rest of the studio version is too slow. So,live ftw![]()
V was very theatrical too but it had a most interesting/deep story. I can't see how Satan being hateful and angry at man can be any interesting to anyone these days.
Based on the 3 songs I've heard so far, Iconoclast seems to be pretty much on the same level as PL lyrics-wise.
We know this is a concept album being the story of Paradise Lost as the band have stated.
To me, Russell has the best voice of anyone in ANY genre.
ICS Vortex
Wow! Another discovery for me. Arcturus sounds great. What else do you recommend?