1.In IRL no, MSN yes.Arch said:Do you have any female friends?
Who do you think (a guy) has class and style?
Would you challenge me to a duel to defend ~Metal Maiden~'s honor?
Do you ever feel like you wanted to smoke marijuana just to see what it feels like?
Only I get to ask questions around here.3. What have you done now ??
That depends.Arch said:Only I get to ask questions around here.
Suppose you are very interested in this girl, but the rest your friends and family says bad things of her. What would you do? Still pursue her or listen to them?
Don't know really, maybe.BigBronco4x4 said:Will you grow a beard anytime soon? If not, why?
That would be nice but I don't know how.would you ever consider establishing a porno ftp so we can all share?
I'm lazy so I watch the movie.Do you prefer to read the book or watch the movie?
What goes good with köttbullar?
Do you have any plans for this weekend?
Who do you prefer? Catherine Zeta-Jones or Anna Kournikova?
Hell no.ante said:are you gonna watch the eurovision contest tonight?
1. The stupidity of manArch said:What are some things that's pestering you lately?
Are there government applications/signs/documentations in Sweden that's not written in Swedish? (Over here, we have some things written in both English and Spanish)
When you go to a restaurant and the waiter/waitress serve you hot food, do they always say "careful, the food is hot"?
Don't know, never tried it.BigBronco4x4 said:Can you split a piece of wood into 4 seperate pieces with one swing of an axe like me?