Yes but I never actually chopped wood with one.BigBronco4x4 said:I thought you said you knew how to swing an axe?
See sig for some of the bands I like.influence said:A double headed bushman would achieve a four way slice if added to an upstroke. What bands do you like.
Dude this is a Q&A.influence said:ahh cool I'm kinda more into hardcore than metal just now you know hatebreed, laurence must die die that kinda thing
Fuck off noob.influence said:I chopped off my own toe with a fish knife i've also taken quite a lot of acid so I'm kinda fucked
This is a Q&A and if you can't follow that then get the fuck out.influence said:Fuck yourself you sweedish cock sucking son of a bitch
No.NicodemiX said:For $1,000,000 would you give pancakes a blowjob, swallow and broadcast it over a live webcam stream to all UMers?
1. DependsNoLordy Capone said:Do your farts stink?
Do you rip them loud?
Are you proud of the noise you create?
Well he is just another stupid kid so I would win.BigBronco4x4 said:If you and influence were to do battle.. and I was there, just to perhaps aid either you or influence anytime I chose.. who would win?